You Can Increase Your Bottom Line Profits by 122% Starting Today...
Discover How to Add and Automated Email System that Pays You Forever with Proven Autoresponder Results...
It's Science! Email Marketing Yields Nearly 5 Times the ROI of Other Marketing Methods...
Despite claims that email marketing is "old school" and possibly even dead, every successful marketer knows that email is THE primary method for converting prospects into customers. That's why it's so important to have an automated email marketing system in place.
Writing One And Done Emails
Is Just Trading Time For Dollars!
Here's how most email marketers fail with their online business.
1. Write an email
2. Send it
3. Hope they get sales
4. Write another one quickly because the first one didn't work
5. And repeat the process
There's nothing more frustrating than writing an amazing email, hitting the send button and then realizing you have to write another one just to continue bringing cash into your business.
Successful email marketers NEVER worry about that. Any email copy they write will become part of an ongoing series that works automatically. Leveraging your email copy is like mining gold in your own backyard.
eMail marketing is still THE largest income generator for tons of online businesses.
The secret is:
They write emails that can be inserted in automated autoresponder series that communicate with their list automatically.
Imagine you wrote an awesome email for a minute. People are clicking and buying your products. They're consuming your content. And they're loving your relationship because they're beginning to trust you.
What if you could write 3 more killer emails on that same subject?
Now, you have...
So, why aren't more people creating profitable autoresponder series?
One word: FEAR.
What are they afraid of?
- Lack of know-how...
- Afraid to send too many emails...
- Fear of rejection...
- This will be too much work...
- Lack of commitment...
- Let's get rid of that today!
If You Are Ready to Finally Succeed at Automated Email Marketing...
You're In The Right Place.
Does This Sound Familiar?
About 70% of Our Revenue Comes from Email Marketing...
And we're here to help you right now...
Sending email to your list is not only about writing. It's about planning.
But MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's about getting your reader to take the action you want them to take.
The beauty of automated email marketing is you get to use your best content over and over again as new readers come onto your list.
At MyNAMS, over 70% of our annual revenue is generated from email marketing and we're pretty dang good at it!
But that success came after years, and I mean YEARS, of mistakes. And you're probably making many of those same mistakes right now. That's why we've put together this training.
We want you to get busy building a REAL business with automated email series that get you paid every day.
There's only 3 keys to being successful with online marketing using eMail autoresponder series.
Successful Email Marketers Follow These
Three Key Strategies
Create re-usable email content that converts to generate daily cash.
Know exactly what your list responds to with highest conversion rates.
Eliminate stress about emailing every day and have more fun.
Start Doing the Right Things
at the Right Time...
eMail Autoresponder Magic by the Numbers!
When you start digging into the benefits of automated email marketing or autoresponder magic, you'll discover that email is STILL the killer app.
eMail drives automated revenue more than any other technique.
My favorite statistic about email is that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. That's a 3800 percent ROI.
Here! Let me prove it to you:
- email will be used by 3 billion people by 2020. That's nearly half of the people on the earth. Of the half not using email, 1.6 billion of them don't have electricity yet... or they'd be using email...
- Even though there are more communication channels today, email is still the big kahuna with nearly 206 BILLION emails sent each day. It is still the most popular communication channel by far.
- Afraid to send your email too often? Get this: 61 percent of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly. 38 percent would like emails to come even more frequently.
- 88 percent of smartphone users check email regularly.
The numbers don't lie. eMail autoresponder series generates huge returns. And we all know this. Online business gurus have been preaching this for YEARS. So, why are so few people doing it?
Why aren't you?
I could be mean and say it's laziness. That wouldn't be totally correct though, would it? Most people have a couple of other things going on:
- They are not sure how to get started
- They're afraid of putting in a lot of work and getting no results
- They don't understand the business model
That's what eMail Autoresponder Magic is all about.
It's a step-by-step program that keeps it very simple so you can get started immediately creating your autoresponder series.
Email IS Your
DIRECT LINE To Your Customers
Autoresponder emails allow you to communicate with clients on their time table.
Building your list isn't enough. Your readers have to know, like and trust you.
You need to build strong relationships with your readers before they will buy from you.
Discover How To Create an
Autoresponder Series That Sells
…and how to make a difference, get noticed, and influence people, while building your brand, and creating additional income.
In This Course, You'll Find the Step-by-Step Details
Email Autoresponder Magic
The Step-by-Step Email Marketing Masterclass
With my easy-to-follow, step-by-step course, we focus on real paths to email and business success, not short-lived, game-the-system tricks.
And we don't do theory. We focus on eMail autoresponder tactics that work with clear fill-in-the-blank steps in a workbook to help you build your autoresponder series today!
There are no push button riches, no loopholes. Just the building blocks most people skip.
In eMail Autoresponder Magic, I’ll walk you through a paint-by-numbers process for understanding and defining your autoresponder series so that it helps you generate the financial freedom that comes with great automated email marketing.
By The End of This Course, You'll Be Able to:
Identify Your Goals for a Profitable Autoresponder Series.
Understand The Essentials for a High-Converting Autoresponder Series
Plan Your Content To Ensure Writing Your Autoresponder Is A Breeze
Best Practices for Writing Your Autoresponder Series
We’ve divided the course into short clearly defined modules, so you won’t get overwhelmed by a too steep learning curve.
We’ll give you specific activities to complete to make sure you implement what you learn,
…along with a fill-in-the-blanks Workbook to complete the necessary pieces to build your autoresponder series.
You’ll get a Checklist to keep by your side and refer to whenever you need a reminder of the key points from the course.
And you’ll also get graphics and tools to help you retain the steps to creating an autoresponder series and to put it into action every time you create a new series.
Want The Specifics?
6-Part Video Course
Short easy to follow video modules walk you through the process of creating your eMail autoresponder series to begin building cash generating autoresponders that work for you day and night. In addition, we've created slide notes and MP3 audios of the training for your consumption in any format.
What Is An Autoresponder
Let's start from the beginning. You're going to need an autoresponder system.
Here we're going to talk about what types of emails you want to send and how you're going to send them.
Focus On The Road Ahead
Here is where you make your plan. The main purpose of creating an autoresponder series is to build your business. That means building relationships with your customers and ultimately building a list of buyers.
We'll go over different types of autoresponder campaigns that are proven to effectively work.
High Converting eMail Series
In the first 2 modules we've gotten your system set up, identified your goals and determined which autoresponders you need for your list.
Now you must understand how to measure your email conversions and how to optimize for the best results possible.
Writing Your Autoresponder Emails
Since you have a plan in place, know what kind of email campaigns you want to write and know what action you want your readers to take, it's time to start writing.
Because you've spent your time outline in the previous modules, this is going to be the easy part.
Fill-In-The-Blanks Workbook
Using our Workbook as you go through the video training, you should have your entire autoresponder series planned in detail with topics and resources by the end of the video course.
Course TextBook
If you're a reader instead of a watcher, we have a complete course textbook that you can use to build your autoresponder series. Learn at your own pace and follow step-by-step instructions.
Tools and Resources
Complete list of autoresponder tools and resources to help you build the most profitable autoresponder series with the least investment.
Use this checklist to ensure that you're creating autoresponder series as quickly and profitably as possible with a clear goal.
Bonus: Power Words
Discover which words you should use in your autoresponder series to drive more conversions and which ones to avoid.
Bonus: Subject Lines
Use this simple list of proven subject lines that will help you convert more people from prospect to customer.
eMail Autoresponder Magic is the Key to Creating eMail Series that Continue to Work for You Forever.
It’s time to eliminate your fear of email marketing
and start mastering it.
If you've lost your way...
If you struggle to demonstrate how valuable you are to your readers...
If you want to communicate from your heart while earning a living...
Email Autoresponder Magic
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Still, we want to make this even easier for you!
Our fool-proof guarantee says that you will have 7 days to decide whether this is for you.
And frankly, it's not right for everyone. Only those who are serious about taking control of their lives and their businesses need apply! But if that's you, jump and we'll assume all the risk. If you change your mind for any reason within 7 days of purchase, we'll happily refund your money.
You have nothing to lose! There's no risk to you. Try it and love it. If not, you can get your money back easily, quickly and safely with our fool-proof guarantee!
Jen Perdew