Stories sell. That's a fact and has been since cavemen were drawing on rocks in the dark!
...Tell them well and get to the point! They'll come back for much more...
Your customers and readers crave interaction with YOU and true, genuine stories allow them to connect on a more personal level. But when you're thinking about telling stories, I bet these thoughts run through your head.
I don’t have any stories.
Nothing interesting happens to me.
Why would anyone want to hear my story?
I don’t know what makes a good story.
Listen, storytelling is NEVER a natural talent. Everyone must practice and be trained in this skill to become good storytellers.

First, you have to understand what a good storyteller is. There's a process behind telling persuasive and entertaining stories. I can help. I've been a storyteller and teaching storytelling for many years. Some consider me a master.
Want to know the secret?
I use a template to outline everything.
Today, you'll get the start you need to become a persuasive storyteller with our templates and worksheets - for FREE! Here's what you'll get:
7 Steps to Telling a Story with a Point Infographic. This graphic walks through all 7 steps of creating a quality story.
Storytelling Template Worksheet - A document for you to create each piece of your story using each of the 7 steps.
An Excel Idea Worksheet to generate your ideas and test the universal truth behind those ideas.
Sample ideas using the Excel Idea Worksheet to lead you along the right path to design your stories.

Click the button below NOW to get your FREE Storytelling Templates and Worksheets.
Discover How to Take Events from YOUR Day and Turn Those Stories into Profitable Pieces of Content Using our 7-Step Template!