How to Take All the Headaches Out of Video Marketing With a Simple WordPress Plugin to Manage Every Video in Your System in One Place
Focus on marketing your videos, converting more prospects, and making more money without wasting time by simplifying your video management system...
Effortlessly organize all your videos -- S3, YouTube, Vimeo, self-hosted -- in one spot
Truly responsive player works on all browsers, all devices, all sites (even HTML & platforms like ClickFunnels), at all times
Integrates with autoresponders & CRMs -- grab opt-ins straight from the video player
Display "magic" buy buttons, optin forms, or any HTML on screen at any time
Complete video analytics, including when your viewers are LEAVING
"Chrome Proof" splash image -- overlay attention grabbing animated GIF or text at start and/or end of your video!
Tons of customizations and SO simple to use!
Create galleries and grids just like Youtube or other major video content companies
I Don't Have To Tell You This (But Of Course I Will)... NOTHING Grabs People's Attention And Produces Results Like Video...
...But Nothing Is More IRRITATING Than When Video JUST. DOESN'T. WORK. RIGHT.
Hi, I'm David Perdew, and I'm a video junkie.
I have literally thousands of videos working for me in my online business.
I have them managed in one place (even though they're hosted in many places), and they're producing opt-ins and sales for me every day.
But it hasn't always been easy... Do any of these sound familiar?

Your video looks AWESOME on your monitor... but slides halfway off the screen on your phone.
You need to use 3 different videos on a single page... but one video is on YouTube, one video is self-hosted, and the third is on Vimeo... and all 3 players look -- and work -- different.
You finally get a good video player plugin on your WordPress site... but then you need to move it to ClickFunnels or HTML.
You need one specific video from the 100s (or 1000s) you have everywhere... and waste an hour searching.
You want people to see part of your video for free and opt-in to see the rest... but the solution is a tech headache.
Your autoplay videos that used to produce opt-ins and/or sales for you... are now neutered by most browsers' autoplay death ban.
You're just plain sick and tired of monkeying around with confusing embed codes, cobbled together multi-plugin solutions that aren't portable from site to site, and unreliable spaghetti piles of custom tech code.
It's Enough To Give You A Migraine And Indigestion At The Same Time.
(Plus Diabetes, From Trying To Soothe Your Nerves With Handfuls Of Sweets... Or Worse.)
I knew I MUST use video (just like you MUST), but the frustrations and hassles finally got the better of me.
I tried pretty much every solution out there... but each one either lacked features, was inconsistent... or just plain didn't work.
As the story so often goes... I decided to create a solution.
(Of course I did, that's why we're here.)

I've Made Online Video As Easy As Apple Pie With:

Simple Video Management System
With more than 5,000 current users already, Version 8.X of Simple Video Management System is even more powerful and robust than ever. We use it ever day with more than 4,000 videos in the NAMS system.
Simple, intuitive video software that powers my 7 figure business...
In The Next Few Moments, I Will Give You The "Unfair Advantage" That Removed The Three Major Hurdles We All Face When Dealing With Videos:
Hurdle Number 1
Getting your videos to play consistently across all browsers and all devices.
Hurdle Number 2
Effortlessly managing all your videos from one area, no matter where they're hosted.
Hurdle Number 3
Getting your videos to truly produce… and knowing which ones are doing the best.
So What Is Simple Video Management System?
Simple Video Management System (SVMS) is a WordPress plugin you can install on the site or sites of your choice. Right now, we're giving you a multi-site license for use on any sites you personally own. It takes away all the work involved with managing your videos by corralling them like cattle into one intuitive manager. Then you add the enhancements you want and post the video on your website.
Just look at how totally easy this is:

The Power Is in the Management of ALL Your Videos in One Place!
Totally Easy Step Number 1 - Insert Link To Video
You simply copy/paste the link to your video which could be hosted on YouTube, Amazon S3, another cloud storage provider, or your own web hosting account. Takes all of 10 seconds tops for this step.
Totally Easy Step Number 2 - Add Your Video Title
Add the title of the video into the system so you can easily reference the video later. This title only shows to you in the backend of the plugin which is great for your own cataloging purposes. This step takes 10 seconds tops!
Totally Easy Step Number 3 - Choose Your Special Enhancements
You simply copy/paste the link to your video which could be hosted on YouTube, Amazon S3, another cloud storage provider, or your own web hosting account. Takes all of 10 seconds tops for this step.
Totally Easy Step Number 4 - Post On Your Website
You simply copy/paste the shortcode to your video to any page or post in your WordPress site. Takes all of 10 seconds tops for this step.
That's It. It's Easy And Intuitive. And Incredibly Powerful!
The SVMS Embed Code Works On Any Website
Not Just WordPress Websites!
You install SVMS to a WordPress website you choose, but the video code can go on any website.
That is the sheer power of this plugin! With the multi-site license, you can have even more flexibility:
You can use shortcodes to quickly post the videos to your WordPress sites, or you can store videos specific to your various websites under one install. This plugin has everything you need to make videos work for you and your business!
If the site isn't a WordPress site, no problem! Use either the raw html code or the iframe code. It's as simple as that.
What Are Satisfied SVMS Users Saying:

"I Jumped On This Right Away Because… Somebody FINALLY Got It Right!"
Cathy Demers -
"I've been sick and tired of dealing with video player issues for a long time. It costs me a ton of money in customer support costs and worse… sales opportunities lost forever. I've been looking for a rock-solid easy-to-use, don't-bury-me-with-technical-details video player plugin… and I found it! There are lots of cool features that will help you convert viewers into buyers (fast). If you are paying a monthly fee for a very basic video player service like I was… the one-time price is a no-brainer. I'm delighted with the Simple Video Management System and I can't recommend it highly enough."

"Perfect In Shopify… I'm Impressed"
Chris Lockwood
"I installed the plugin, grabbed a random YouTube video, created a test product in Shopify with your video code in the description, and it worked fine in Chrome and Safari on my Macbook and on my Android phone. Perfectly sized on all, and I didn't enter anything in the SVMS entry for the video except the YouTube link. I'm impressed."

"10 Times Better Than What We Were Using"
Kristen Joy - The Book Ninja
"I've been using the Simple Video Management System and I'm excited that our support tickets about the videos have gone down. It took my VA less than five minutes to install and configure (easy!) and we're trying to push its limits as it has a ton more functions that I'm currently using! This plugin is already 10 times better than the old one we were using - one of the most popular video players on the market."

"It's Simple, Fast, And It Works"
Cindy Bidar -
"Simple Video Management System does what it says - makes adding video to a WordPress site easy. Even better, it just works. Every time. After about a year, I've yet to find an issue with it. It's quick to install, and in two minutes you can have a video on your site without even thinking about javascript or frames or any other techy stuff. It's, simple, fast, and it works. You can't ask for anything more than that."

I was blown away by how quickly and easily your video player created my first video
Angela Wills
"David, I've been searching for an Amazon video player for myself and to recommend to my customers for YEARS. The only two seemingly decent options were one that costs $300 (I didn't buy that one) and another that ties you to a theme (I used this one).
I tried other options because I just wanted a simple Amazon plugin video that player that just worked! I was blown away by how quickly and easily your video player created my first video.
I popped in the video link, a cover image, click a few settings, embedded the code, and yay! It just works!
Thank you so much for creating this. I'm thrilled, will be using it for my programs and recommending it to my customers who also need it."

This thing is completely bad ass!
Liz Tomey
"Just wanted to thank you SO much for Simple Video Management System. I was in a serious pickle when the solution I was using quit working. I thought I was going to have to spend A LOT of money, and probably have to pay monthly for a new solution to manage my videos and get them on my sites.
You not only came to my rescue with Simple Video Management System but also gave me a BETTER solution. This thing is completely bad ass!
It does WAY more than my old solution did, it's super easy to use (had my first video on my site in less than a minute), and it's cheaper than my old solution! I 110% recommend this to ANYONE that wants to put videos on their site!"
My Team And I Designed a Simple Video Management System To Focus On Functionality While Maintaining Simplicity AND Delivering Video Marketing Power.
(You're going to see a lot of benefits here... It's worth the read.)
Works In All Browsers, All The Time.
We shouldn't have to say this, but our experience with other video players says we must: Working in all browsers is the key. So, no matter where your video is hosted, the player must adapt, and display it cleanly and quickly even if it is on a mobile device!
How would you like your video to display on mobile devices? The two examples on the right are after I implemented the Simple Video Management System plugin to host my videos!
Your videos are guaranteed to work on WordPress, HTML, and platforms like ClickFunnels, OptimizePress, LeadPages, and more!

But Didn't The Chrome Browser Kill Auto Play Videos? We Have That Solved. 🙂
The Chrome browser killing off auto-play video has taken away a major method of grabbing attention.
And more browsers will be following. SVMS helps you slap back at Chrome by adding any attention-getting animated GIF to your video, like the one you see here. Put an image like this, animated text, or a still image in the custom FRONT thumbnail telling viewers exactly what to do.
And what about YouTube and that annoying "related videos" gallery that pops up at the end of a video or when you pause a YouTube video.
You can add a custom END image. Make a still image or animated GIF. And the custom PAUSE image option gives you the opportunity to display a message when the viewer pauses the image instead of the YouTube gallery. All you need to do is load a YouTube URL (no embed code needed) in the player and it works smoothly. And because we've mastered the YouTube and Vimeo experience in our system, you have free video hosting if you want.
So, no matter where you host your videos - Youtube, Vimeo, Amazon S3 (or any cloud storage, in fact as long as you have an MP4 file extension), or even your own server, we've got you covered.
It doesn't matter where you host your videos, Simple Video Management System's responsive video play works smoothly and easily.

Thumbnail images never have to be boring again. Why not animate them with GIF images. You can add any GIF with any message in SVMS.

Organize All Your Videos In One Spot, No Matter Where They're Hosted Or Posted
With the high-priced video plug-ins, we mentioned earlier, it was nearly impossible to find videos once they were loaded in the system. It was a must for me and my team that my videos were organized, searchable, and in a table for easy access. The Simple Video Management System database will be the single biggest time saver for online video you've ever encountered.

Customize Everything About Your Videos With Simple One-Click Settings
Video Size: From the backend of the plugin you can adjust the video size to any size you want. This allows for greater flexibility on where you have videos displayed on your website.
Video Alignment: Aligning videos to the center, left or right on the page can be really frustrating if you don't know HTML or CSS. You simply select the alignment in a dropdown box, and your video will align exactly how you want it on your final page!
Hide Video Controls: Sometimes, you'll want to use a video sales letter which means hiding the controls so users can't stop, start or pause the video before your message is delivered. This functionality used to take fancy code and JavaScript to work correctly. Now you just check one little box, and you can choose whether you have video controls or not.
Auto Play: With video sales letters, auto play is a key function. This tool allows you to simply toggle that off and on without having to insert complicated coding. It is point and click simple so you can focus on other aspects of running your business.

Reveal "Magic" Buy Buttons, Opt-In Forms, Or Any HTML, At Any Point In The Video!
In a recent blog post, Ryan Deiss said that making the buy button appear magically on the site at the right time increased conversions by 67 percent.
With Simple Video Management System, you can quickly and easily add HTML code for buy now buttons, optin forms, affiliate banners, and more. You choose when you want them to display and appear automatically below your video. That stats are in that this feature helps!
Instead of messing with JavaScript and clunky code, how about just copy/pasting your code and clicking your mouse one time to get this powerful feature to work for you!
Complete Analytics Helps You Separate Winning Videos From The Losers
If I asked you which of your videos are "winners" and which are "losers," could you tell me? Do you know when people STOP watching your video? Because your videos are NOT getting watched 100% of the way through by 100% of your viewers.
Knowing exactly WHEN they stop watching can help you pinpoint what needs to change in your videos, to lower their dropoff rates and improve their results.
Simple Video Management System can show you that for every single one of your videos, and so much more. You'll know exactly where your traffic is coming from. You'll know what devices they're watching on. You'll be able to see when your traffic spikes up... and when it drops down. All vital information for growing, testing, and expanding your business.

Opt-In Gate Captures Leads Right From Your Video
Suppose you want your viewer to get a preview of an important video, and they have to opt-in to your list to view the full video. You used to have to split your video in two chunks, set up an opt-in page, show them the preview video, and hope they'd opt in.
Now, you can have the opt-in as PART of your video! Just set the time and opt-in details... and you're done in seconds.
Easily Integrate With Autoresponder And CRM Tagging
Over 15 top AutoResponders and Customer Relationship Management platforms (Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, Sendlane, ActiveCampaign, InfusionSoft, many more) are directly integrated into SVMS. That means you can turn tagging on and organize your opt-ins based on the video(s) they view. This is super beneficial for targeting promotions to specific niches for higher conversion rates... which equals more money for you.
Instantly Know Every Page And Post Each Video Appears On

If you're using WordPress, you may have the same video on multiple pages. Knowing which pages will be affected by a video change is essential.
So we designed Simple Video Management System to show you every single page or post where your video is being used.
Get The Look You Want With Custom Video Player Skins And Frames
Give your videos a unique "look and feel" with custom skins and frames. More skins and frames coming all the time!
Redirect The Viewer To Any Link You Want After The Video Ends

Do you know how powerful this is?
Suppose you promote affiliate products. Imagine creating a good affiliate review video or prelaunch video. When the video ends, you automatically redirect them to your affiliate link. You can create affiliate "bridge" pages for linking to from social media in seconds this way!
Any links work here. These can be affiliate links your own links or send them to another video. You can do all kinds of cool marketing sequences to stand out from the crowd. Don't underestimate the power of this feature!
Add Existing Videos On The Fly
If you're in the WordPress editor and you want to add a video quickly, being able to do that from the editor itself is important. There's no bigger time waster than having to shut down your page, go add the video content, and then re-open the page to add the video. This plug-in makes that process easy and intuitive.

Create Pro Pages Effortlessly With YouTube Style Grids & Lightboxes
Easily create pro-quality pages with video grids and videos appearing in popup lightboxes, right from within SVMS... No coding necessary!
Change Live Videos Without Breaking
This may seem small, but it's important. Your current video code must always point to working videos and adapt to editing changes on the fly. I remember breaking many of my sales pages in the past because I made a tweak to the editor. Talk about hours of frustration and lost productivity! Say goodbye to this problem! Make a change, and have the peace of mind that your pages will still work!

Read What Satisfied SVMS Users Say:

"For Once, I Swear By (Not At) A Video Player"
Art Remnet
"It has not taken long for Simple Video Management System to become one of my go-to plugins. In fact, it has replaced all the other video players I use. It's that good! Of course, SVMS lets you choose the visibility, and lets you easily set up and play multiple videos on any WP page from most any source. The real power comes from the shortcode setup. This allows the plugin to show me every page the video is displayed on. This is a huge time saver. I know which pages are affect by a change. If I edit a video, I make one change and ALL the pages with that video are updated. Thanks to David and NAMS, for once, I swear by (not at) a video player."
These Are Just a Few Examples That Make Simple Video Management System a VERY Special Tool That Should Be Added to Everyone's WordPress Site......
Magic Buy Buttons - Put a Sales Button and Offer In Front of Viewers at Exactly the Right Time!
Click to watch the video and wait 10 seconds. Magic will happen 🙂 Add any call-to-action or sales copy or instructions for your viewer at any time during your video dispaly.

Lightbox Grid - A Unique Way to Deliver Tutorials, Support FAQs, and Other Training Material on Your WordPress Site!
With a Lightbox Grid, you can add teaching content, support videos, and much more - anything you want on your pages. Click to see an example.
Be as Creative as You Want with Custom Video Sizes for MP4 Files
No need to limit your MP4 videos to standard sizes. If you need a vertical image, you set the size with the custom settings. (It only works with MP4 files. YouTube and Vimeo have a standard frame that can't be changed.)
Playlists Are GREAT for Training or Tutorial Videos to Run in Sequence Automatically
Maybe you have a set of videos that you'd like to run in sequence. A Playlist setting is ideal for that. With autoplay, they will continue playing until the list is complete. Below is a sequence of 8 training videos for one of our other tools displayed using the SMVS Playlist functionality...
What You Get Today With Simple Video Management System:

The Updated 2021 Version Of The Simple Video Management System Plugin
(Multi-Site License)
With Complete SVMS Marketing Training, Updates, and Support Included
Plus These Valuable Limited Time Bonuses:
A massive MyNAMS Membership called The L.E.A.D. System including 27 courses, training workshops, and templates and other essential training worth 100 times the cost of the SVMS WordPress Plugin including:

BONUS #1 Complete Amazon S3 Training
Learn the ins and outs of hosting your video on the most reliable, inexpensive, and secure cloud hosting service.
A $147 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #2 Mug Life Training
Exclusive Training: Create animated faces from still photos with this awesome app!
A $47 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #3 Plotaverse Training
Exclusive Training: Create full size magic animated environments from still photos with this app!
A $47 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #4 WordSwag Cover Training
Exclusive Training: Magically turn your words into beautiful photo text designs in seconds!
A $47 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #5 YouTube Magic Ebook
Discover how the experts make their YouTube videos POP in this easy-to-follow training!
A $27 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #6 20 Animated & Still Splash Page Images
Exclusive Training: Create animated faces from still photos with this awesome app!
A $47 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #7 1500 Top Quality High Definition Stock Photos
Your marketing pages demand quality. Use these high definition photos wherever you want!
A $97 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #8 250 Eye-Popping Animated GIF Graphics
Get viewer eyeballs to pay attention to what YOU want them to see with these!
A $97 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #9 500 Isolated Images With Backgrounds Removed
These transparent background images are a must-have in your graphics toolkit!
A $97 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #10 500 Royalty Free Videos
Use these videos for marketing, starter points or portions of your own videos, whatever you want!
A $97 Value, included at no extra charge.
BONUS #11 5000 Royalty Free Images
You can never have enough images… Use these without any fear of copyright infringement!
A $97 Value, included at no extra charge.
These Bonuses Alone Have A Value Of $897 But They're Yours FREE For A Limited Time!
No Other Video Player Or Video Manager Does What Simple Video Management System Can Do, At Anywhere CLOSE To The Price.
JW Player
Why Pay High Prices Like That, When You Can Get Simple Video Management System Today For A Low ONE TIME Price?
Take action now, and stop paying high video software subscription prices. Stop fighting with hard to understand tech that doesn't always work. And start getting real results from your videos, just like I do!
We Believe In Simple Video Management System
Let's make you understand how EASY this decision really is.
We will shoulder ALL the risk here. If... after checking out the Simple Video Management System Plugin and bonuses for 7 days... you are unhappy with it -- for ANY reason at all -- then WE INSIST you return it.
Simply open a support ticket at and your purchase price will be promptly refunded.