Congratulations on getting the NAMS7 Audio Replays!
If you attended the workshop, you know how awesome this material is. If you weren’t, you will be amazed at the information these instructors shared. Information like this sells for thousands of dollars elsewhere.
Before you jump in, here’s a few tips to help you get the most from this material.
Download the presentations and the handouts where there are those. (Not all workshops used handouts, but when they were provided we passed them on here
Download the mp3s if you want to listen to them on your iPod or other mp3 device. The best way to download is right click the mp3 file and "Save target as..." in Internet Explorer or "Save link as..." in Firefox and Chrome
Click the players if you want to listen to them while you work, but I advise you to actually put a headphone on and keep a pen and paper handy. You don't want to miss the gems in the audios
What you can do with these…
Nothing...except use them personally. You can not distribute or share this material in anyway except one. To do so is wrong and illegal. But you can sell these audios and refer new members to MyNAMS using your affiliate link. All you have to do is get your affiliate link in the Affiliate Toolbox and write an endorsement of these workshop replays, then distribute your link to your colleagues and friends. With two referrals, you've recouped your expense.
Now, get ready to learn!