Want to know one of my biggest secrets to success?
Cloning Myself.
That’s right! I have uncovered the secret to cloning myself.
Hiring other people to do various tasks in the business has grown the business like nothing else. Most people think of outsourcing as an expense that eats away at the bottom line. They avoid making the leap to outsourcing because they see it as an expensive luxury instead of an unique problem solver!
Outsourcing is no luxury, it is the KEY to transforming what you do from a J.O.B. to a viable, scalable business.
Most small business owners never catch the vision of the power of outsourcing or what is possible for their businesses when they build a team who is fully invested. Yes, you can hire an outsourced team who cares about and is invested in your business.
If you’re serious about scaling your business, the goal of outsourcing is to
- Create more time.
- Create more money.
- Get more done.
If you continue to run your business as a single person doing everything (not getting help), you will find that you’ve created a really difficult job. Instead creating a scalable and sustainable business means you HAVE to do the things that make the most sense. Like generate income.
Should you do data entry or create proposals to bring on a new client?
Seems like a no brainer right?
But when you have to do every single thing to keep the fires out or the lights on, it becomes difficult to win more business.
Our businesses are full of processes and tasks, and creating revenue and (unfortunately) expenses. The goal is to control the expenses and create more revenue. The best way to do that is to scale what you’re doing. The only way to really make more money is through leverage – cloning yourself.
Without the leverage of delegation, the business would not be what it is today.
Before we started outsourcing on a regular basis, our business was tiny. And so was our vision!
Now we’re scaling and expanding, and it’s because of the outsourcing. My outsourcing bill each month is more than many folks’ monthly business revenues. But we’ve increased our revenue during that same time. Simply because I can focus on bringing in clients, generating revenue or adding pieces to our funnel that bring in automated sales.
Hiring people just to be hiring people isn’t the solution though. Every task or process I outsource creates more revenues.
Many people don’t equate outsourcing with revenue generation. But if you’re doing it right, you should be creating more revenue with every process you outsource.
Do you want to learn how to make everything you outsource a profit center?
The MyNAMS Free Basic Membership has close to 100 hours of free training on essential business topics.
Outsourcing is one of them! Click here to access the training that will take your outsourcing plans to the next level!
Cindy Bidar says
So true! The other day I had a conversation with the husband about a fellow small business owner who’s adding to her team. He said, “She must be doing well [making money] if she’s hiring.”
The truth is that she’s hiring so she can make more money, not the other way around.