Some people are natural storytellers…
I’ve never met one.
I guarantee you I’m not not a natural!
Like EVERY ONE that I know who is a great storyteller, I had to learn that skill. And like me, they studied and practiced storytelling until it appeared effortless.
Sure, we can all talk what happened at last night’s at the football game, but that’s chit-chat.
For your business, you want to tell stories with a point to help your business.
Those stories persuade people to take actions you want them to take.
The good news is that it’s not that hard once you have a simple system to follow.
If you learn the basic skills, it becomes easier. Your creativity bubbles to the top. And you improve every time you tell a story.
With the simple system I’m going to show you, telling stories that persuade others is an easy process.
But before we get there…
If storytelling scares you a bit, you’re already having a reaction to what I’ve said so far.
You may be thinking:
- “I can’t tell stories.”
- “Nothing interesting ever happens to me.”
- “Nobody cares about my daily stories.”
- “Why would anyone want to hear my story?”
- “I don’t know what makes a good story!”
The primary issue here is that you think telling a story is about you.
Sorry to disappoint. Your story has nothing to do with you. It’s about your listener. How do THEY relate to the story you’re telling?
What if I show you a template that anyone can use called 7 Steps to Creating Stories with a Point!
You have to hook your readers and create enough curiosity to encourage them to continue reading.
Everyone has a story to tell.
You can create exciting, interesting content from simple daily events in your life. You just have to open your mind enough to weave those stories into your message. Guess what? There are proven strategies and methods to weave these stories into your business.
My daughter just ran her first half marathon. I asked her about the process. What she learned. How she planned for it.
The first thing she said was,
“Believe it or not, I took a running class. I know it sounds stupid. But guess what? I was running all wrong. Once I learned how to do it correctly, then I began having these tiny little victories which made me want to get better. Then I began enjoying it and wanted more challenges. I wanted to go further and harder and longer.”
Then I asked her how she could use that lesson and apply it to our business. She said, “Well, I needed training so I asked for help from someone who was an expert. Then as I got better and more confident, I began telling more people about what I was doing and then people started asking for my advice. A few folks then asked me to be their running partner and all of the sudden people looked at me with authority. Now I want to help people who are stuck thinking they can’t do it. People who don’t have the confidence to even put their shoes on and I am trying to build a plan on how to do that.”
You see that’s what happens when we get the right training for specifically what we need from the right expert.
That’s what I do at MyNAMS. I teach our students how to create the business of their dreams.
Storytelling is huge part of portraying your vision to your customers. You have to identify and relate to your customers. They have to buy into your vision and the only way to do that is to build your message and connect emotionally with your audience.
I have developed 3 great templates to get you started to becoming a great storyteller!
Join me with NAMS Instructor, Karon Thackston on Tuesday November 10th at 1:30 EST as I share my Templates, Tips and Tools during a live presentation!
Just click the button below to register for the webinar. I can’t wait to see you there!