Did You Know That With One Little Mistake, You
Could End Up Paying The Stock Photography
Agencies Thousands Of Dollars In Penalties?
People are getting nailed by the stock photo houses each day for high dollars
because they didn't download images for EACH use?
Now, you can begin building your extended license image library and avoid the hassle
with this collection of 200 original images in the MyNAMS first
Royalty Free Extended License Photo Collection!
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Over the last 35 years, I've sold pictures to National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, Time, Newsweek, People, Travel & Leisure, Parenting, dozens of newspapers and several textbook companies. And I owned - and sold - a successful stock photography agency with 300,000 images.
But I've never created Royalty Free Collections. Until now...
With between 20 and 30 thousand images from my 35 years of travel and professional photography work, I have never let my babies go as Royalty Free images.
That changes today with my first set of RF images.
And I'm throwing in the Extended License as well.
Why is that important?
Every time you use an image from one of the big stock photography agencies, you must make sure you've paid an additional license to use it again. You're paying to use it one time in one project. That's it. If you use it again without paying again, you're setting yourself up for a huge fine from the stock photo houses.
It's called copyright violation, and it's a good thing. Copyright protects us all. But the hassle is not so good. That's why I'm selling these with an extended license. You only pay once and you can use them for your projects as many times as you want. An extended license removes that worry. You can use images with extended licenses over and over without penalty.
What's in this collection?
You'll find 200 images in 13 categories suitable for using in many different ways. Watch the short video above to get an idea of the images contained in this first set.
Every picture in the collection is shown in the 3 minute video above.
Categories are:
Flags: American
Studio Concepts
Travel: Africa
Travel: Beach
Travel: Cades' Cove
Travel: China
Travel: England
So, extended licenses on images must be really expensive, right? At the stock photo houses, yes! You could pay (and I used to charge) $1000s of dollars for the right image use license.
I'm creating 6 collections over the next couple of months. And each collection is $97 for 200 images. That's incredibly inexpensive for quality imagery.
But YOU won't pay anything near the normal price!
The button below is for your personal use of all the images in this pack without restriction.
Click the button below to start your MyNAMS Royalty Free Image collection with Extended Licenses!
And of course, as with everything else we sell, you have 30 days to try it. See our guarantee below.
How Can We Offer A 100% No-Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee?
You've made a great decision! Now, it's time for us to live up to our end of the bargain. And we always do, no matter what the issue is.
Our reputation is the most important thing we have at NAMS. We've helped hundreds of students create new businesses or improve existing ones.
Still, we want to make this even easier for you!
Our fool-proof guarantee says that you will have 30 days to decide whether this is for you.
And frankly, it's not right for everyone. Only those who are serious about taking control of their lives and their businesses need apply! But if that's you, jump and we'll assume all the risk. If you change your mind for any reason within 30 days of purchase, we'll happily refund your money.
You have nothing to lose! There's no risk to you. Try it and love it. If not, you can get your money back easily, quickly and safely with our fool-proof guarantee!
David Perdew
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Image Specs:
All images are at least 96 pixels and 1600 px on their longest side.
No image is model released unless indicated.
David ~ Is that beautiful lady who appears throughout the pictures your wife? She’s lovely and has a FABulous smile!
Yep – that’s my girl… As we say in the football world, I outkicked my coverage. As my friend, Jeff Herring says, “We both married above our pay grades!”
Hi David,
I am a new member of MYNAMS and am still trying to learn all the features and member benefits. I am now trying to get a grip on the “special offer deadlines” Ref the IMAGES: I see this first pack is reduced to 27. Will the next pack offered to members be 97? Do i understand that correctly? Thanks and i am looking forward to take a\dvantage of all my members training
Thanks a ton for sending us a message! Typically we always offer members the lowest price as part of your benefits of being a member. The Photo pack for example is 27 now but after the sale is over the price will go back up. This is the first time we’ve ever done a sale like this, so this month is a bit unusual. Because we’ve had so many server issues over the past week or so, we will have the deals from day 1-4 back up again today at noon until noon tomorrow (12/7/2012). The next pack that comes out will be at a discounted deal rate as well. It will not be 97 to start out.
But if you would shoot a ticket to support- http://namssupport.com You have multiple user accounts and we need to make sure we get them all combined so you can see everything you have in one place but your Membership level is how you are able to access different areas of the site. When you submit the ticket please ask for your accounts to be combined! They will know what to do and get you all squared away!
Once you do that, check out the 7 part series on how to use MyNAMS. Its already in one of your accounts. Its short 30 minute sessions that are specific to different areas of the membership and the site! It will be really helpful for you learning how to navigate around!
Gregory – thanks for the question. We offer a lot so I can see how it would be confusing. If you go to http://nams.ws/join and scroll to the bottom, you’ll see in the comparison chart what is offered.
As for the membership, the central benefit is training. You get that through the member dashboard. Products like the image packs are separate products. This one is offered at $27 for this sale. It will be higher after the 4 hour sale. Members get discounts on most of the products we sell that are separate from the MyNAMS Membership. The second pack – as well as the first – will have a base price of $97. We do discount all items occasionally.