Struggling? Need Just A Little Help? Or Simply
Want To Improve Your Current Successful
Business By Networking With Other
Successful Business Owners?
[font family="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" size="20" color="000000" textshadow="0" alignment="center" weight="normal" style="normal" lineheight="110"]From Novice to Advanced, The NAMS Workshop Has Helped 100s Of People
Move To The Next Level Of Their Business[/font]
Join 500 people in Atlanta, GA for the 4 experience-based learning tracks on Aug. 9-11, 2103
Hi. My name is David Perdew and I’m the CEO and founder of the NAMS workshop.
The NAMS workshop is one of my great passions. I love bringing people together to improve their businesses while creating incredible relationships and joint ventures.
This what I'm good at: Building systems that enable other people to be incredibly successful.
That's why our mission statement is so simple:
[font family="georgia,palatino" size="22" color="3A3799" textshadow="0" alignment="center" weight="bold" style="italic" lineheight="110"]“Help as many people as possible become successful with their online
business and build wealth in the process”[/font]
That's why I built the NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing Systems) workshop. It is the nearly perfect workshop to help people at any experience level to start or improve their business, no matter whether you're a raw beginner or an advanced marketer who has tons of cash rolling in already.
What would make it absolutely perfect?
The only thing missing from our next workshop is you!
Sincerely, I want you to come to the next workshop in Atlanta, GA on Aug. 9-11, 2103. I, and about 40 other instructors, want to get to know you so we can help you become even more successful. I'm so committed to your success, that I'm giving you our absolute best price if you make a decision quickly.
Sure, you get lots of invitations from online business folks everyday, so I thought it would be nice to let a few of our recent attendees tell you about the workshop and what it meant to them. Watch the short video at the right.
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The NAMS Workshop has a dedicated teaching staff of more 60 instructors...
With each workshop, we add additional instructors. And we have very stiff requirements for our instructors which can be boiled down to these key attributes:
Successful, proven experts in the fields they teach
Great teachers who have your interest at heart
High integrity - basically, you should be able to trust these folks to work with you one-on-one and feel like they only want to help you be more successful
At NAMS10 - that's the next workshop coming up Aug. 9-11, 2013 in Atlanta, GA - we've added a bunch of new faces that you may recognize including:
And because we have an incredibly deep and knowledgeable team of instructors pictured below, we can draw on these folks to create consistently top-rated training to tailor the experience to our students' biggest needs.
If you're not familiar with the NAMS workshop, let me explain exactly why we're different from any other workshop...
The NAMS Workshop: Your Short(er) Course To Business Success
The Novice to Advanced Marketing System (NAMS) Workshop is a series of educational, technical and work sessions that guide you towards building a real business in real niches using best practices, whether you are a
- newbie or budding entrepreneur wanting to establish a viable and profitable business foundation;
- struggling marketer working hard to achieve a more secure source of income;
- successful offline or online business owner wanting to get to a more sustainable level of profitability and growth.
With just 3 days, it’s a short course indeed! More importantly, it shows you a much shorter route to achieving online success.
You cut your learning curve dramatically by taking only the path that leads to your goal. No detours. No crisscrossing. No cruising. No shopping.
Here’s what you get from attending the workshop at Atlanta on August 9-11, 2013:
You discover new ideas and new ways of leveraging time and money (Great!)
You get valuable one-on-one advice and instruction from a team of 35 high-profile experts who will sit with you to help fix your problem (Priceless!)
You create great partnerships and lasting relationships (Essential!)
You develop clear directions on what to do after the workshop and how to do them on your own (Awesome!).
When you complete the workshop, you leave confident and satisfied that you have a blog or website set up based on a profitable niche, a business plan or concrete ideas of next steps or new projects, a circle of highly-driven and supportive friends and joint venture partners, and a high level of energy and momentum to move you forward.
7 Compelling Reasons You Should Attend NAMS Workshop
Listen to your customers! That is the most important lesson in business you have to learn… and it is clearly at work at the NAMS Workshop.
That makes the NAMS Workshop exceptional: It is designed with you in mind!
Here’s how:
1) Up-to-date and need-based inputs from a team of experts. The NAMS Workshop is not your one “size fits all” event. It is custom-built to address your business needs based on four experience tracks that you determine yourself. You get the most updated information, tools, strategies, techniques and resources minus the headache you get from data overload! You get these from a robust team of experts with a proven track record of success.
The Four Experience Tracks
- NAMS100 (Beginner 1) – If you’re in this track, you may not have a website or blog yet. You may not have a niche yet. And you certainly aren’t making any sales yet – at least on purpose. This track is all about getting you set up and getting your marketing under way. The goal: Begin to make sales.
- NAMS200 (Beginner 2) – Students in this track have the infrastructure set up. They probably have a blog. And they probably have chosen a niche. Now, they are focused on driving more traffic to generate more sales. On purpose. The goal: Build a list, drive traffic and make sales.
- NAMS300 (Intermediate) – Most folks in this group are making money. Everything’s beginning to cook for them. They aren’t full-time marketers yet, but are certainly contributing some income to family. Maybe as much as a house payment or monthly contributions to a retirement fund. But they are really overwhelmed with all there is to do with an online business. The goal: More sales, more time and more systems.
- NAMS400 (Advanced) – These are the rock stars. They have got the money rolling in and are making a full-time living online. The problem is that the business IS them. The goal: Create assets, exit strategies and a business that runs without them for a more sustainable and valuable future.
2) Hands-on interactive problem-solving experience. You get hands-on experience on your specific need, say, putting up your blog, setting up a sales funnel to build a list, planning exit strategies, and more. Apply and test what you learn with experts beside you for interactive problem-solving.
3) One one one instruction. You can schedule time to meet with instructors to review your issues in a one on one setting. These sessions are open to all on a first come, first serve basis.
4) Value for money. The NAMS Workshop is incredibly affordable! Although valued at thousands of dollars, it is priced low enough to get you and more people in. That’s great value for money!
5) Tangible results. You leave carrying the results you need – a functional blog or website perhaps, a blueprint for business success, a mind map, new joint venture partnerships, product creation and marketing ideas… depends on the goal you set.
6) Fun and excitement. Meet approachable, smart and helpful people at the workshop. Beyond the sessions, you’re left to your imagination to engage in more brainstorming activities, work out joint venture partnerships, go out on a private date, or just spend time alone at Starbucks for a hot cappuccino! Up to you. (Be sure though to be back for the next day’s session!)
7) Long-term support. Your learning doesn’t stop when the workshop ends. To ensure long-term continuing support and education for you, you have the option to become a MyNAMS Total Business System member and be part of a robust NAMS community.
Success Online Does Not Come To Those Who Wait
Time is ticking…
You may wait and do the same things over and over and get the same results OR you may do something different and definitive – a much shorter route – to achieve online business success.
You may try doing things alone OR try seeking direct help from successful expert coaches who can help you achieve dramatic results over a short period of 3 days.
You may try to delay deciding on what could give you the success you so badly wanted and needed OR decide NOW!
What are you waiting for?
Normal price for the next NAMS Workshop
is just $697
If you order now, you get a $400 discount
[font family="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" size="60" color="990000" textshadow="0" alignment="center" weight="bold" style="normal" lineheight="110"]$297[/font]
…and you get all of these:
Ticket to the NAMS10 Workshop at Atlanta at the best price
Audio Recordings and PDFs of the entire workshop weekend ($297 value!)
Pre-NAMS “What to Expect at NAMS10″ Webinar where we’ll walk you through all the things you’ll want to know, including what to bring and where the fire pit is
It’s so easy to register… all you have to do is click the “add to cart” button below
After clicking the “add to cart” button, you will be taken to the sign-up page that says…
“Congratulations! You’ve Made
Another Great Decision!”
If you already have a MyNAMS account, please login with your username and password.
If not, enter your information to create an account.
Then click “Continue.”
You will be redirected to a protected area where you may select from either of two payment methods:
- PayPal
- (for credit cards).
Enter your credit card information, if you chose that payment option, or your PayPal login information, for the PayPal payment option.
Once you’ve completed your purchase, you will receive an email for all registration details.
Your registration is complete.
All you will need to do is show up at the NAMS Workshop on August 9 2013!ndb4profi
Normal price for the next NAMS Workshop
is just $697
If you order now, you get a $400 discount
[font family="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" size="60" color="990000" textshadow="0" alignment="center" weight="bold" style="normal" lineheight="110"]$297[/font]
If for any reason you change your mind within 30 days of purchase, we’ll happily refund your money. You get your money back easily, quickly and safely with our fool-proof guarantee!
You have nothing to lose! All risks are on us.
Check out the awesome hotel arrangements we’ve negotiated for you!
Why the MyNAMS Insiders Club is EXACTLY
what you're looking for!

MyNAMS TEAM - You never have to work in isolation again!
The MyNAMS Team goes way beyond the staff and support personnel. We've put together a group of people who make it their mission to ensure your success. With more than 75 instructors and 100s of members, you find people who can answer your questions quickly, partner with you to create products, and build relationships that help you launch your business or take it to the next level.
We've worked diligently to ensure you have the ability to communicate with us, instructors, and peers (at your own experience level) in a safe environment and find the right mentors or coaches just for you. We make the introductions that you want.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific team options we offer.

MyNAMS Training - Learn what you need when you need to learn it!
The MyNAMS Training system is focused on thorough step-by-step instruction with that meets you where you are. It makes no sense to teach you advanced strategies and techniques when you don't have a blog or website. And teaching you how to install a blog when you have dozens already is ridiculous. First, we determine where you are in your experience and then we point you to the right level of training that will enhance your business experience from Novice to Advanced.
Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific training options we offer.

MyNAMS Tools - Content, graphics, audio, checklists - we've got it for you!
The MyNAMS Tool belt comes with just about everything you need to get a business up and running. In fact, you can be selling products from the Niche Mall even if you've never sold anything before and don't have a website. One of the most frustrating parts about doing business online is realizing you have to nickel and dime yourself to bankrupcy before you can actually get a site up. Not with us.
We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
To find out more about the MyNAMS Insiders Club, click the link below!
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