If You Love NAMS...
...But Wish It Were On The West Coast...
This is as close as you can get...
I booked my flight this morning for my first EVER trip to Las Vegas for Dennis Becker's Earn1KaDay 2013 Seminar where I'm speaking. (More about that in a minute.)
The astounding thing is that it's been 2 years since I've flown. Kind of weird since I spent the previous 7 years maintaining offices in Atlanta, Dallas and Seattle while living in Alabama.
DFW (Dallas / Ft. Worth) was my favorite airport because I had my routine down. I knew exactly which Starbucks to hit before settling in my wi-fi cubicle in the travel center to catch a little work time before my next flight.
Believe it or not, I kind of miss airports. Once you're in, they're a self-sufficient entity of their own. What I miss most though is the people watching. I think of the people I'm watching as friends I haven't met yet. Being a writer and a storyteller, I made up scenarios for people - where they were going, who they were meeting and what they're doing when they get there.
So, I'm really excited to be flying again. A little nervous about Vegas. And even a little more nervous about being on the same speaking dais as:
- Jason Fladlien
- Wil Mattos
- Dr. Ben Adkins
- Barb Ling
- Connie Ragen Green
- Gene Pinmentel
- Justin Popovic
- Don Wilson
- And Jeremy Ginn
Plus, Dennis Becker - let me just say, the AWESOME Dennis Becker - is the guy in charge of the Earn1KADay.
The Earn1KADay Workshop is:
- July 12-14
- Las Vegas, NV
- Hotel: Tuscany
Something I love about doing business online is that we can make friends all over the world. Without the distraction of physical interaction, we sometimes find it easier to create a real relationship before actually meeting, often at live events.
I know a ton of people who come to the NAMS Workshop (another one coming up in August) to get great training, but also to meet their friends.
Geography gets in the way too often though.
NAMS Workshop is in Atlanta - on the east side of the US.
Dennis Becker's Earn1KADay Seminar is west of the Mississippi .
We have too many friends in the western part ot the US who can't make it to the east for NAMS. And we have lots of friends who will come to NAMS no matter what.
There will be a ton of folks from NAMS at Dennis's event. We want to make sure we get to meet all of our west coast friends. In fact, I'm hoping we can schedule a NAMS lunch on Saturday or Sunday to introduce new NAMSters to veterans.
Look at that list of instructors again:
Jason Fladlien - a 27-year old genius who has become an amazing internet businessman in 3 short years. People all over the world look to Jason for mentorship.
Wil Mattos - One of the finest software makers and information product creators. Another genius.
Dr. Ben Adkins - The king of Local Marketing. Dr. Ben's Evil Magician Facebook Advertising course is loaded with step-by-step how-to and one of three or four courses that I personally use of his.
Barb Ling - A guest a couple of times on our MyNAMS Weekly Live Training and in our 30 Day List Building Challenge, my new friend Barb specializes in making things incredibly simple.
Connie Ragen Green - Connie. We know Connie. NAMS instructor and one of our prime proponents, Connie oozes relationship marketing to the max.
Gene Pinmentel - A long time businessman - offline to online is a master in the domain name aftermarket. I've got a lot to learn here.
Justin Popovic - I'm looking forward to Justin. As a new customer and an avid PLR user, he's star in that market is rising fast.
Don Wilson - I met Don in Raleigh a couple of months ago after watching his presentation on simple Facebook niche marketing. Don has a genius for understanding how to break down a mysterious process and extract thousands of dollars simply.
Jeremy Ginn - And one of our very own NAMSters, Jeremy is breaking into the speaking world after completing an inspirational mindset series with 25 interviews of marketers including Dennis Becker, Connie Ragen Green, Willie Crawford and me.
And then me - I'll be talking about using my 6-Step system to build complex systems with real assets and real profit.
So, I'll be the one in the airport on July 11 flying out of Atlanta (my least favorite airport in the world) to Las Vegas.
I hope you'll join us in Las Vegas. Click the button below to get more information!
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Hey David, I just signed up and booked my flight yesterday!
It’s been 22 years since I was in Vegas and the only reason I’m going back is to meet all these great people and brainstorm together. So if I’m flying from New Jersey, all you West Coast people have no excuse!
Looking forward to seeing you there
– Sharyn
First time in Vegas? Even this crazy Canuck has been there a few times. I think you are going to enjoy it
Especially meeting that PLR guy you mentioned lol
see ya there
Thanks Justin. I am really going to enjoy, I’m sure. I’ve always kind of avoided Vegas – just seems to glitzy for me. But I’m sure it will be a lot of fun. Looking forward to meeting you.