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for just $147until 12/31/2012!
7 Compelling Reasons Not To Miss The NAMS Workshop
Listen to your customers! That is the most important lesson in business you have to learn… and it is clearly at work at the NAMS Workshop.
That makes the NAMS Workshop exceptional: It is designed with you in mind!
Here’s how:
1) Up-to-date and need-based inputs from a team of experts. The NAMS Workshop is not your one “size fits all” event. It is custom-built to address your business needs based on four experience tracks that you determine yourself. You get the most updated information, tools, strategies, techniques and resources minus the headache you get from data overload! You get these from a robust team of experts with a proven track record of success.
The Four Experience Tracks
- NAMS100 (Beginner 1) – If you’re in this track, you may not have a website or blog yet. You may not have a niche yet. And you certainly aren’t making any sales yet – at least on purpose. This track is all about getting you set up and getting your marketing under way. The goal: Begin to make sales.
- NAMS200 (Beginner 2) – Students in this track have the infrastructure set up. They probably have a blog. And they probably have chosen a niche. Now, they are focused on driving more traffic to generate more sales. On purpose. The goal: Build a list, drive traffic and make sales.
- NAMS300 (Intermediate) – Most folks in this group are making money. Everything’s beginning to cook for them. They aren’t full-time marketers yet, but are certainly contributing some income to family. Maybe as much as a house payment or monthly contributions to a retirement fund. But they are really overwhelmed with all there is to do with an online business. The goal: More sales, more time and more systems.
- NAMS400 (Advanced) – These are the rock stars. They have got the money rolling in and are making a full-time living online. The problem is that the business IS them. The goal: Create assets, exit strategies and a business that runs without them for a more sustainable and valuable future.
2) Hands-on interactive problem-solving experience. You get hands-on experience on your specific need, say, putting up your blog, setting up a sales funnel to build a list, planning exit strategies, and more. Apply and test what you learn with experts beside you for interactive problem-solving.
3) One one one instruction. You can schedule time to meet with instructors to review your issues in a one on one setting. These sessions are open to all on a first come, first serve basis.
4) Value for money. The NAMS Workshop is incredibly affordable! Although valued at thousands of dollars, it is priced low enough to get you and more people in. That’s great value for money!
5) Tangible results. You leave carrying the results you need – a functional blog or website perhpas, a blueprint for business success, a mind map, new joint venture partnerships, product creation and marketing ideas… depends on the goal you set.
6) Fun and excitement. Meet approachable, smart and helpful people at the workshop. Beyond the sessions, you’re left to your imagination to engage in more brainstorming activities, work out joint venture partnerships, go out on a private date, or just spend time alone at Starbucks for a hot cappuccino! Up to you. (Be sure though to be back for the next day’s session!)
7) Long-term support. Your learning doesn’t stop when the workshop ends. To ensure long-term continuing support and education for you, you have the option to become a MyNAMS Total Business System member and be part of a robust NAMS community.
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