Give The Gift That Keeps Giving With A MyNAMS Gift Card...
I love it when someone does something that makes me give myself a good head smack along with a loud "DUH! Why didn't I think of that!"
Well that happened to me a few days ago and I thought I would share.
Melanie Davis is one of my favorite people. I met her at NAMS 8 and since, we talk fairly often via email. Well the other day, I saw a transaction come through for a purchase of a MyNAMS Lifetime Membership. I thought to myself, "What is she doing? She already has this." Then as I was typing an email to her, a ticket came through on the support desk from Melanie that said "I'm buying Lifetime Memberships for my Team, would you create accounts for them?"
I couldn't believe it! What a great gift to give! We've had folks give the Lifetime Membership as a gift but not for their entire team. Melanie and I had a conversation and I thought I would share it with you- of course Melanie said it was OK!
First let me share an email David got in about a week ago about the December Deals which led to such a wonderful gift.
Hi David ~
Ok ---- I know we are only 2 weeks into this thing, but I am *thrilled* about the great deals so far !!!
In fact, I have jumped on all of them except for one.
This one today was like an answer to a prayer --- then when I saw the price, my jaw actually dropped!
Thank you so much for your integrity, heart and spirit! Being a Virtual Assistant from 1998 thru now (I am actually working on my re-launch of website and new framework of services), I respect all that MyNAMS stands for, offers and produces!
Over the years I have spent tens of thousands of dollars - not to mention the *time* invested - in all types of programs, memberships, etc.
This is head and shoulders above any of those!
Again, I just wanted to express my thanks and respect for all you (and your lovely family & the folks at NAMS) do and produce.
In gratitude,
We have an amazing Graphic Design Intern, Laura Gigliotti, and she came up with this cute little gift card image for Melanie to give her staff.
We asked Melanie why this was such a good idea for her team?
"The MyNAMS Lifetime Membership is an incredibly generous gift. What made you decide to give it to your team?"
She wrote back:
The MyNAMS Lifetime Membership is a powerful arsenal of tools, training, workshops and forums that are fluff-free and deliver what business owners need for a strong foundation and growth.
Whether just beginning a business, or seeking to expand and grow, the MyNAMS Lifetime Membership has what we all need to get there (and stay there).
It is hard to describe how unique MyNAMS is because it sounds too good to be true!
I have purchased the MyNAMS Lifetime Memberships for each of my team members -- I want them to have access to the best of the best so that as a whole, our team can give our clients the very best!
I am looking forward to the February Live Workshops in Atlanta
You know the old saying " Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime"? Melanie just gave her team the greatest gift of all. She's given them a way to grow their business for a lifetime!
Check out all that Melanie and her team does at
So there you have it! You may have seen that the Lifetime Membership for $147 is getting retired at the end of the year. The new price will be $997. And guess what? It's worth every penny even at that rate.
In the words of Melanie, we are as always "Joyfully in Service" to you!
Happy Holidays and let's make your business everything you want it to be in 2013!
If you want to give this gift too, just do the following-
IMPORTANT: Although the Lifetime Membership is $147 (until Jan. 1, 2013), you are tagged as the recipient's affiliate you will actually get 50% of that back as your commission payment. So the overall cost to you is just $73.50.
That way, everyone gets a little holiday gift
Why the MyNAMS Insiders Club is EXACTLY
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MyNAMS TEAM - You never have to work in isolation again!
The MyNAMS Team goes way beyond the staff and support personnel. We've put together a group of people who make it their mission to ensure your success. With more than 75 instructors and 100s of members, you find people who can answer your questions quickly, partner with you to create products, and build relationships that help you launch your business or take it to the next level.
We've worked diligently to ensure you have the ability to communicate with us, instructors, and peers (at your own experience level) in a safe environment and find the right mentors or coaches just for you. We make the introductions that you want.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific team options we offer.

MyNAMS Training - Learn what you need when you need to learn it!
The MyNAMS Training system is focused on thorough step-by-step instruction with that meets you where you are. It makes no sense to teach you advanced strategies and techniques when you don't have a blog or website. And teaching you how to install a blog when you have dozens already is ridiculous. First, we determine where you are in your experience and then we point you to the right level of training that will enhance your business experience from Novice to Advanced.
Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific training options we offer.

MyNAMS Tools - Content, graphics, audio, checklists - we've got it for you!
The MyNAMS Tool belt comes with just about everything you need to get a business up and running. In fact, you can be selling products from the Niche Mall even if you've never sold anything before and don't have a website. One of the most frustrating parts about doing business online is realizing you have to nickel and dime yourself to bankrupcy before you can actually get a site up. Not with us.
We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
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