NAMS 8 Instructor Spotlight:
Bob "The Teacher" Jenkins
Mindmapping for Profit
At NAMS 7, Bob's presentation on Mindmapping was, well minblowing for lots of folks.
I love the idea of mindmapping and being accountable for everything we've learned
1. What are my biggest fears 2. Take action now and revise later 3. Mindmapping can greatly increase my productivity.
You also asked for this session to be earlier in the weekend so we've moved this to Saturday to give you a chance to use the mindmapping process during the remainder of the workshop. We also had a few comments that the session needed to be longer. Well we can't lengthen the session but pay special attention to the prerequisites below. By pre-loading this free software, we won't have to spend valuable teaching time doing downloads and installations during the session itself.
During NAMS 8- Bob Jenkins is going to teach Mindmapping for Profit-
Discover how to mindmap your way to more cash flow, as Bob The Teacher hands you his system for creating products, finishing what you start, making decisions, and developing templates for repeat projects.
During this session, you’ll receive training on the nuts and bolts of mindmapping with Freemind. Then you’ll be blown away by the versatility and effectiveness of this tool for the growth of your business. By the end of the session, you’ll have a ready-to-go mindmap outlining your #1 project, and the confidence and focus to turn that project into profit!
Pre-requisites for this Session: attendees of this workshop should have Freemind software pre-installed on their laptops before the session begins. Download and install Freemind (for free) from
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Bob The Teacher is the author of Take Action! Revise Later, and the creator of the Mindmap My Business coaching program. Bob’s mission is to show coaches, consultants how to help more people profitably through focused, monetized action planning and accountability.
A former high school history educator, Bob is a master at teaching the nuts and bolts of building a business with modern marketing strategies, coaching high-achieving business owners, and spotting hidden opportunities within his clients’ businesses.
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