NAMS 8 Instructor Spotlight: Joey Smith
"Don’t Get a Job, Get a Joy”
At NAMS 8, we'll kick off the Workshop weekend with an amazing Keynote Address from Joey Smith! Look what Ute had to say when she saw Joey's live webinar a few months ago!
Joey and David, I just watched the replay because I had a conflict during the live webinar. I got so excited and fascinated watching your presentation, Joey, that my heart started literally ‘pounding.’ Your Genetic Blueprint research is brilliant! I hope everyone can watch this and take at least the assessment. It is almost like an aptitude test for entrepreneurs. It helps to get reassurance, more clarity and understanding whether one is or is not on the right track in one’s business development.
I am looking forward to meeting you at NAMS8.
And David, your ability to bring amazing people on board and enlighten us is never exhausted. Thank You!
During Joey's Keynote you will:
Learn How to Turn Your Passions into Profits Using the Power of the Internet by Knowing your Genetic Blueprint!
Now more than ever, professionals are re-tooling during economic downtime. What better way than to get re-calibrated doing something you love? Learn how to use the power of your genetic blueprint to finally have thrilling and time-freeing success that leverages cheap and easy ways to make money online.
If you want to say goodbye to your boss forever (even if that is yourself), then you MUST ATTEND to discover Joey’s amazing research and ability to break this online phenomenon down to bite size chunks that are easy to understand and implement. Your business, life and relationships will thank you for it.
To get the most out of this session take Joey's assessment at
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Here's what Joey has to say about NAMS:
NAMS is a “one-of-a-kind” event where you meet awesome people and learn content at your level. It’s not a “me-too” event where everyone gets the same stuff. It’s the only event that I know of that has “break-out” sessions based on your level of advancement. It’s also not a “pitch-fest.” It’s the only event that I recommend to my people. Enough said.
Thanks so much David for being an “needs-innovator” and providing valuable information to those that want to make a living in online marketing. –Joey Smith
Joey Smith is the Former CTO/CIO of Best Selling Author Dr. John C. Maxwell (21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership) 2000-2005. He Grew his List to Over 250,000, grew online sales to Over $250,000 per month and also assisted in the Multi-Million Dollar Resale of his company.
Joey also won Microsoft's Worldwide Project of the Year 1999 and 2003, he was voted Best Internet Marketer – World Internet Summit 2010, London and has 8 Years of Award-Winning Online Experience in both Technology and Marketing.
Joey's success also includes a $1.2 Million Dollar “From the Basement” Product Launch, 2010 – EPIC Traffic Systems and Six and Seven Figure Coaching Client Averages.
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We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
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