WordPress On The Go with Paul Taubman
Advanced WordPress Tips & Tricks
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Did you know that you could blog virtually anywhere these days?
Not just by logging into your WordPress website on a wireless computer, but you can do it on your Smartphone! Come discover how you can use the WordPress App on your smartphone and learn how to configure the settings so you can easily write a blog post, insert images, include Categories and Tags, and more! Be the first of your friends to learn how to send an email to a secret address and have that show up as a blog post!
Prerequisites: You need to have a WordPress website, be able to log into your Dashboard, be able to log into your cPanel of your website (or be able to create a email address), have a smart device (iPhone, Android phone, iPad) and know how to download a free app on your device.
Paul B. Taubman, II has been teaching technical stuff to non-techies for many, many years! He is a master instructor at taking the obscure and complex and explaining it in a simple, fun, and educational way. Your stress levels will melt away after working with Paul as you take control of your website and turn it into a profit machine.
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