Are you scratching your head
trying to figure out why you can't make money online?
No List? No Money? No Business!
We Share A Step-By-Step Blueprint To Building A Profitable,
Responsive And Dedicated Community Of Admirers
Yup I said it. I'm throwing down the gauntlet. I'm putting it all out there. My Goal: Increase
my list by 1000% in the next 30 days and double my recurring revenue
in the same time frame? Do you want some of this action?
From: David Perdew
RE: Get off the couch and build your profitable list!
No matter how awesome your blog or website is, it can look like a lonely planet. No visitors. No buyers. No sales. Nada.
Indeed, you need traffic. The goal? To build a responsive mailing list…
And then, to make money!
With a list, you have the power to do great things:
What does that mean to you?
When you have a list, you have the opportunity to make it responsive.
You have people coming back to your site and buying from you.
That's when the money pours in!
For so many people, list building is a goal… and, yes, a dream.
But to most, it remains just that. A dream. Never a reality for reasons like…
Well, here's the truth. Seeds don't grow in a day. There's a learning curve to list building.
Don't worry. It doesn't have to be a painful experience. It can be super fun and exciting.
The MyNAMS 30-Day List Building Challenge
What is this challenge all about?
It's a practical hands-on 30-day program designed to build a responsive mailing list;
I am David Perdew, CEO and Founder of, and I have built a list of thousands. Now I'm accepting a challenge to grow my list by 1000%. I will take you by the hand and shows you how while I throw back the curtain to reveal every action I take.
You'll see exactly how I do it and apply these same concepts to your business. REAL TIME.
Clearly, it's a great challenge - its going to be hard work and big fun but worth it, for sure!
If you're any one of these types of people:
This challenge is for you!
What's the plan?
The Challenge Starts on May 22nd with 5 days of planning and then we jump into the 30 days of list building.
"Wait, I'm confused already!"
So, planning and fixin' to as we say in the South doesn't count in my book. If we're going to do 30 days of list building, lets focus on that and not the set up or creating funnels. That's a given. BUT it's work that needs to be done. We give ourselves (and you) five days to get the infrastructure set up.
Don't worry, we'll be right there with you to help.
After that 5 day setup is completed, THEN we start the 30-Day countdown with a bang!
As soon as you join, your first task is available for you. A 4-hour long Workshop with special guests Jayson Benoit and Kelly McCausey who give you advice, tips and their best list building strategies, tools and resources. You will also learn how to set up an opt-in form on your site if you don't have one already.
You want to watch this ASAP so you are ready to go!
What exactly is included in this challenge?
We will add bonus content through out the challenge. Especially when we find a tool or resource that we find helpful.
[30day List Building]
If you are serious making profitable list building your business's #1 priority for the next 30 days - and the rest of your business career - sign up now.
At the end of this challenge, the price on this package goes up to $697! We want you in now to take advantage of the
list building opportunity while we build the challenge.
What do you get?
At the end of this 30-day challenge you will have:
If you're waiting for that perfect moment, it was yesterday.
The next perfect moment is now.
Opportunities come and go BUT this is one opportunity that you don't want to miss…unless
you want to be exactly where you are now:
You choose. It’s an easy choice but you have to make it now!
How Can We Offer A 100% No-Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee?
You've made a great decision! Now, it's time for us to live up to our end of the bargain. And we always do, no matter what the issue is.
Our reputation is the most important thing we have at NAMS. We've helped hundreds of students create new businesses or improve existing ones.
Still, we want to make this even easier for you!
Our fool-proof guarantee says that you will have 30 days to decide whether this is for you.
And frankly, it's not right for everyone. Only those who are serious about taking control of their lives and their businesses need apply! But if that's you, jump and we'll assume all the risk. If you change your mind for any reason within 30 days of purchase, we'll happily refund your money.
You have nothing to lose! There's no risk to you. Try it and love it. If not, you can get your money back easily, quickly and safely with our fool-proof guarantee!
David Perdew
Why the MyNAMS Insiders Club is EXACTLY
what you're looking for!

MyNAMS TEAM - You never have to work in isolation again!
The MyNAMS Team goes way beyond the staff and support personnel. We've put together a group of people who make it their mission to ensure your success. With more than 75 instructors and 100s of members, you find people who can answer your questions quickly, partner with you to create products, and build relationships that help you launch your business or take it to the next level.
We've worked diligently to ensure you have the ability to communicate with us, instructors, and peers (at your own experience level) in a safe environment and find the right mentors or coaches just for you. We make the introductions that you want.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific team options we offer.

MyNAMS Training - Learn what you need when you need to learn it!
The MyNAMS Training system is focused on thorough step-by-step instruction with that meets you where you are. It makes no sense to teach you advanced strategies and techniques when you don't have a blog or website. And teaching you how to install a blog when you have dozens already is ridiculous. First, we determine where you are in your experience and then we point you to the right level of training that will enhance your business experience from Novice to Advanced.
Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific training options we offer.

MyNAMS Tools - Content, graphics, audio, checklists - we've got it for you!
The MyNAMS Tool belt comes with just about everything you need to get a business up and running. In fact, you can be selling products from the Niche Mall even if you've never sold anything before and don't have a website. One of the most frustrating parts about doing business online is realizing you have to nickel and dime yourself to bankrupcy before you can actually get a site up. Not with us.
We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
To find out more about the MyNAMS Insiders Club, click the link below!
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