Kory Minor lives by the glass half-full mentality.
He should. His glass has been more than half full for a long time.
Like most of us, Kory is very familiar with the fear – fear of failure is his worst fear and strongest motivator.
But regardless of fear, Kory has achieved everything he has set his mind to, including attending the university of his dreams, playing in the National Football League (NFL) and becoming a successful entrepreneur.
From pre-school on, Kory made attending Notre Dame his destiny, even though the chances of his single mother, Kim, being able to cover the tuition were slim to none. He was dedicated and worked hard in the classroom and on the football field honing his talents in high school.
In his senior year Kory was named the USA Today Defensive Player of the Year - college tuition was no longer an issue.
Despite having plenty of options, there was no doubt Kory was headed for the Fighting Irish of
Notre Dame where he started for Coach Lou Holtz as a freshman and was a 4-year star defensive player and team captain. Kory is second All-Time at Notre Dame for sacks in a career with 22.5 and he is first All-Time in tackles for loss with 43.5.
After only 3 1⁄2 years, Kory graduated with a Business degree in marketing and was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the 1999 draft. Subsequently, he played four seasons as a linebacker and special teams terrorizing quarterbacks and running backs for the Carolina Panthers.
Kory's time in the NFL was just a means of survival until he was ready to live his second dream of becoming an entrepreneur. When Kory tells the story, he says "God gave him those 4 years in the NFL because he was not sure as of yet which direction he really wanted to go". During the off-season, Kory didn’t kick back and relax, but was busy with business internships. He gave up a guaranteed comfortable lifestyle to follow his dream after realizing that football had become a job and the fun that once ruled his heart was no longer present. He took the leap.
After dabbling in the stock market and exploring other opportunities, Kory finally decided to buy a franchise despite never having run a business before. To make his initial business venture even more challenging, Kory found himself operating a consumer-driven franchise in the middle of the worst economic meltdown while being in business debt for over one million dollars. He kept a positive attitude, won several sales competitions, raised sales to over 3.2 million and was selected to be in some of the franchisor's national commercials. Within two years, he expanded his ownership from one restaurant to five.
Kory has been a motivational and inspirational speaker and doing friendly business consulting since he was 18 and really took a liking to it. One day while sitting in a coffee shop, now at the age of 35, reading Success Magazine he ran across an ad that literally changed his life. It was an ad by one of his current mentors, Brendon Burchard. In a nutshell, the key theme of the ad was ‘share your advice, make a difference and a fortune’. This message really hit home with Kory, who realized that he could finally give back, share the stories and strategies that allowed him to be so blessed, all the while and earn an amazing living. Kory is the CEO of Kory Minor Industries (KMI), a training and development company for individuals and organization's specializing in helping clients to “Get Off The Side Line and Get Into The Game”, by fostering the concept of WINNING everyday.
Kory Minor is a former NFL linebacker, entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of Kory Minor Industries (KMI). KMI is a Personal Training and Development company specializing in helping people and organizations Get Off The Side Line And Get Into The Game.
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