I had a great last-minute promo last week! So why won't it work for you?
With a 2-hour drive back home from the football game last Saturday, I searched for a good promotion idea that would put my business into overdrive quickly.
Quite frankly, I'd been complacent after the NAMS workshop just 4 weeks earlier. And I needed something to give me a little jump start, both energetically and financially.
In the quiet, the idea came to me.
I conceived, planned and started the promotion within 36 hours. The result was nearly $70k in sales for 5 days. Not bad at all, but that's gross income, so take out half at least.
Then, Kathleen Gage, who was one of my prime JV partners for this promotion, sent me and five others an e-mail Sunday evening with this lead-in:
Hi David,
I need a favor. Over the last week I have had multiple requests from people asking me to promote stuff for them. All of the requests have been last minute and not in alignment with what I do or what my market expects from me.
It’s the, “Hey you have a good list, can you send this out for me as a favor?”
These are people I have never done business with, I don’t know their business ethics, I am not familiar with their products, and I have no idea how good (or bad) they are at what they do...
And then she asks for our thoughts. Now, I'm the guy who did a bang-up, last-minute promotion, but what you'll see if you click over to Kathleen's post below is that mine worked for many of the right reasons.
But before you click over though...
I'm thinking about doing a debrief, an anatomy of this promo, complete with numbers, timeline, stressors, decisions, and results. This would be for MyNAMS members only.
If you think it's a good idea and would like to be on that webinar, make a comment below and then...
...Go visit Kathleen's blog below to read a great discussion on how to improve your joint venture relationships
Leading Experts Share Top Reasons Why They Won’t Promote for Others
Anyone who’s been online for even a short period of time has likely heard how beneficial joint venture (JV) and affiliate partnerships can be.
It’s true! With aligned partnerships you can increase your revenues, subscriber list, credibility and market reach. Yet, most men and women who seek out partners get turned down more than they [...]
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I really want to hear from you. Is this successful JV something you’d like to see a webinar on to walk through the process that generated nearly $70k in five days?
Hey David, my answer to that is YES!
That would be a great thing to see David.
And the article from Kathleen was really great
Hi David – I would be interested in seeing a webinar on your successful JV.
I had one really good JV promotion back in March for my EasyDSLR course (over 250 new members in a month).
I am having trouble getting others to promote my course – I have had some interest from a couple of photography blog owners but they have not committed and seem to have lost interest. I really don’t want to hassle them and totally blow the opportunity for a future deal.
Okay – Ken, Tom, Lynette and Stefan. That sounds like strong votes for “Yes”! Any others?
Ken, it’s a very fine line between being a pest and blowing future opportunities, and having a successful venture. One thing that really works is to show results. The people who promote for me like to do it as often as possible because they continue to see results for months to follow since we use a first click system.
But even with that, they can sometimes have a little “list fatigue” – that’s why we have to keep finding and / or creating new content.
And keep asking.
I wanted to be on the webinar tonight but, now I will be having a late dinner with an investor instead. Will you be taping this webinar tonight? I hope so. I am very interested on how to develop JV relationships & how to make them prosper. What’s the difference between a JV & affiliate relationship? I have a personal email contact list but, it’s not a real warm list. Should I get some JV or affiliate relationships activated to grow my email list?
My 1st asset that I what to offer to my clients is to assist them in purchasing performing & non-performing notes for their investment portfolios. Truthfully, I’m not sure where I should start. Help…
Tom – it was recorded, but I lost it during a reboot because of some technical difficulties during the webinar. So, I recorded a very short version tonight and made a new blog post about the dashboard. We’ll have another webinar on Tuesday to go over the dashboard in detail.
This is a great place to get JV and Online Business information. I think you’ll find much more in easy to digest formats in the new dashboard.
Yes, because relevant joint ventures, which are the only ones to do…are always worth seeing.
Yes, I am interested in this webinar, thanks!
Okay – I’ll set up for next Tuesday I think.
Thanks David
That will be great.
If you run this late for us Europeans, will you also record it?
Stefan – I will record it. It will probably be in the day so I don’t have to do ANOTHER late night like I do most nights…
Sounds great
Thanks David
Watch for the e-mail invite that will go out tomorrow through your email.
I am certainly interested in how this promotion was carried out. I know you said it was put in place 36 hours after the thought was conceived. However, I suspect the success was based significantly on strong relationships you built for much longer then 36 hours…
Absolutely right, Roger. I never stop creating those relationships. That’s really the only thing that makes business work in my mind. Thanks. (When you coming to Huntsville next?)