The MyNAMS Dashboard is a REAL Game Changer in Online Business Training!
I couldn't be more excited.
Almost a year in the making, the MyNAMS Dashboard puts all of your Step-by-Step Online Business training in one location and leads you through the process of building a business from the ground up in a logical an easy-to-follow, self-paced system.
Finally, this is what MyNAMS was supposed to be. As we've built the site over the past year, we've been adding new and fresh content with expert training and resources to ensure that you master your online business in the shortest possible time.
Members now have a home where they can take advantage of all the massive benefits of the MyNAMS system.
Don't you feel better? I know I do
Watch the video below for a complete walkthrough and I think you'll agree with me that this is a game changer. The MyNAMS membership site has gone from overwhelming with information to focused and simple with a step-by-step, all-in-one window into your membership.
I hope you love it, cause it just keeps getting better and better.
Click the "Play" Button
This is a modal window.
Why the MyNAMS Insiders Club is EXACTLY
what you're looking for!

MyNAMS TEAM - You never have to work in isolation again!
The MyNAMS Team goes way beyond the staff and support personnel. We've put together a group of people who make it their mission to ensure your success. With more than 75 instructors and 100s of members, you find people who can answer your questions quickly, partner with you to create products, and build relationships that help you launch your business or take it to the next level.
We've worked diligently to ensure you have the ability to communicate with us, instructors, and peers (at your own experience level) in a safe environment and find the right mentors or coaches just for you. We make the introductions that you want.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific team options we offer.

MyNAMS Training - Learn what you need when you need to learn it!
The MyNAMS Training system is focused on thorough step-by-step instruction with that meets you where you are. It makes no sense to teach you advanced strategies and techniques when you don't have a blog or website. And teaching you how to install a blog when you have dozens already is ridiculous. First, we determine where you are in your experience and then we point you to the right level of training that will enhance your business experience from Novice to Advanced.
Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific training options we offer.

MyNAMS Tools - Content, graphics, audio, checklists - we've got it for you!
The MyNAMS Tool belt comes with just about everything you need to get a business up and running. In fact, you can be selling products from the Niche Mall even if you've never sold anything before and don't have a website. One of the most frustrating parts about doing business online is realizing you have to nickel and dime yourself to bankrupcy before you can actually get a site up. Not with us.
We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
To find out more about the MyNAMS Insiders Club, click the link below!
I’m impressed. This will make things so much more organized and assist me in knowing where I am.
I’ve been doing on-line marketing for a while, but my education has been spotty. The way you have it organized means I’ll go through from the beginning to fill in the holes.
I like the “accomplishment bar”. We all need some sign of how we’re doing in education. Having that bar move to 100% is a great motivator and affirmation.
I’m looking forward to playing with this on Monday.
Thanks, David and team!
Thanks Cathy and sorry for the slow response. We’ve been really working hard on getting this set up. We still have a modules to go. Thanks for your patience…
Nice job, David! Looking forward to the dashboard. How exciting – looks like it will be very easy to navigate.
I hope so Tanya. That’s what we’re going for
This looks really great, David.
Looking forward to embrace it all when it’s up and running
Should be very soon Stefan
David, this seems to be so well thought out and adds immensely to our already valuable membership. What I’m most thrilled about is that it minimizes the risk of things falling off our radar screen and disappearing forever: things we’ve signed up for or NAMS resources we intended to get to later. You’ve got it all right at our fingertips. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Really good points Elizabeth – I hadn’t really thought of it that way.
Great job! This is going to be spectacular. I\’m looking forward to Tuesday for the unveiling. You should be proud of your self David and crew. It\’s pure awesomeness!
I got here from your apology message about wednesday’s training being a mess. Don’t be so hard on yourself….tech happens!
Long after those little glitches are forgotten, folks are going to be using the new dashboard and finding success!
Actually, we changed the dashboard so much in a week that I made 4 different videos before posting the last one.
Hi David,
I cannot locate the replay video that you did on Tuesday – the nice long one. I can only find the very short 8 min. one.
Will you send me the link?
Cecilia – I changed out the video on this page to be the long version walkthrough video. Meant to do that anyway. Thanks for asking about it.
I slept through the first set of issues. Something to do with the webinar being in the middle of the night for me. Therefore I was looking forwards to the replay. I then find it all went wrong for you and I end up rejoicing. No I am not being unkind to you but redoing the webinar now means that you are able to be kind to me. There is a silver lining to all this hassle.
Thanks David
Saw your video and can’t wait to have the new Dashboard up and running. I’m so untechie, I’m useless with most things but I think I will have no trouble understanding and using the new Dashboard. Thanks, David. See you on Tuesday.
Thanks Fay – I think you’re going to love it:)
William – I’m as excited as you are… This has been a long time coming. And I really think it puts us in a class by ourselves. But most importantly, the members get an incredible resource and awesome value…
I hope you and everyone else will do a testimonial at