I bumped into this video (and the one I’m posting tomorrow too) at the Kaufman Foundation.
Until a few months ago, the only thing I really knew about them was that what I heard at the end of NPR broadcasts. They’ve been a sponsor for many years. The Kauffman Foundation is often referred to as the world’s largest foundation devoted to entrepreneurship.
I love it. A foundation devoted to entrepreneurship!
To my way of thinking there’s nothing more exciting, more enlightening, more patriotic and more freeing than being in business to provide a good service in exchange for value. A good, ethical business is the original do-gooder organization. But with money comes power and power is to be watched like a hawk. It corrupts. The Kaufman Foundation is about turning out more entrepreneurs – like you and me – each year to grow the American economy and get it back on track.
I’m a believer.
These two videos are exceptionally entertaining – and short. The first deals with that elusive “secret sauce” that makes a business spectacular. And it asks the question, “Why can’t all businesses be spectacularly successful?”
Watch this one and tell me what you think.
Great idea, great concept. “If you don’t get the story right, you won’t get the solution right.” This is true on so many levels, not the least of which is marketing or starting a new business venture. This also asserts some intriguing questions about why new businesses fail. But the part I agree with the most is that more new businesses will strengthen the US … especially if they remain successful.