What’s your big goal?
Yesterday, in the article about finding your niche, we talked about fun ways of combining your passion with your expertise.
It was fun. The Prosperity Scrabble game was an especially fun way to get the creative juices flowing. I hope you tried that out. And I hope you’re talking to other NAMS members about how it worked for you in the forum.
I hope you felt a little excited and a little uncomfortable as you tried to imagine your passions and your expertise. You should have seen possibilities that you haven’t seen before.
But today, I want to get serious! Real serious. We’ll start with one very important question…
Why in on Earth are you doing this?
What’s the point?
If you just want to make money, go get a job. If you’ve got a job, focus on doing a better job. We love people who do a good job. If it weren’t for those who do their job well, the big ol’ machine we call The Economy would come to a screeching halt.
But why are YOU so focused on building an independent business that may be risky, hard, and even require some investment? It may even require you to fail a little bit. Success is not guaranteed.
Everyone eventually fails. But how you look at it determines your success. (Topic for another day.)
You better have a Big Reason Why (BRW)you’re jumping into this world. Here’s mine above – one of mine. You’ll meet the other when you register at NAMS3 on Friday a.m. She runs the registration desk for me and much, much more.
It’s easy to say, “Well, I want to make money.” Or, “I’d like to quit my job.” Or, “I want to be able to travel.”
Many years ago, when I had a brick and mortar business, I sat with a coach who ask me that question for nearly four hours. I paid him a lot of money to ask me the same question over and over.
If I came up with an answer like:
“I want to make a million dollars.”
He immediately said, “Okay, it’s done. You’ve made a million dollars. And Then What?”
The question is maddening because it forces you to drill down to your core values and find a purpose for your business quest that goes beyond anything you ever dreamed. Sometimes, it can get way out there, but you’re discovering more about you and what’s important to you.
Ask Kathleen Gage, Mark Hendricks, Kevin Riley,Bob “The Teacher” Jenkins, Denise Wakeman, Jeff Herring…anyone who is on our instructor staff what their BRW is and you’ll find that it usually has nothing to do with business or making money. They’ve discovered a way – their business is the tool – for reaching the ultimate core goal.
In the forum yesterday, I posted a link to the Prosperity Scrabble handout. In that same zip file, you’ll find a handout to help you realize your BRW and ask that BIG question:
Talk about your results in the forum or below.
Really great video David. I loved the message, and the music behind it was awesome too. Thanx…enjoyed it.