Start with an internet marketing strategy
Create a plan that focuses on the internet marketing strategy
Execute the plan.
In our first webinar in the NAMS series (which you can get for free by the way), Mark Hendricks focused on creating an internet marketing strategy first.
That seems like a reasonable – if not the only – way to really do good work, achieve results and get more done, doesn’t it? But how often are you side tracked by the next thing that pops up in front of you. Some people just do that – whatever it is because it’s in front of them. Staying busy is more important to them than doing the right activities in the right order with the right goal in mind.
To be successful on the internet, marketing strategy must come first!
That can become compulsive activity. If you watch a hamster in a wheel in a cage, it will keep going until it drops because it just keeps doing.
We’ve got beavers in the stream behind our house. For a while, they were doing the right thing. Now, they’ve jumped over the line into the compulsive activity.
I’ve always been amazed how I (like nearly everyone else I know) can become completely sidetracked by the little distractions: e-mail, a new plugin, someone else’s blog post, Twitter, Facebook and all the other energy vampires out that suck the day away.
In Mark’s presentation about creating an internet marketing strategy first, he helps us see the folly of the distractions as well as the seriousness of NOT focusing on the internet marketing strategy. If we confuse tactics with strategy, we’re apt to lose site of the goal.
Watch the video below to see what I mean.
Hello David,
Discipline and correct setting of goals are other two skills worth developing. I personally like to to write a list of things to do for my every day and set time spans for each task. Thanks for the great post.