If you know me, you know I’m a big fan of Dr. Mani.

My dear friend Dr.Mani, the heart surgeon, infopreneur and GREAT humanitarian, is launching his second book on February 14th, 2011 – as a Kindle ebook on Amazon.com.
Like the print version that launched last year, all profits will go to fund life-saving heart surgery for children from under-privileged families.
Book launches come and go. But Dr. Mani’s books leave a legacy that no other book can match. They actually save lives. You see, he has the talent to be to actually perform pediatric heart surgeries in his spare time. Where he gets that time, I’ll never know. He’s the most productive man I know. Not only does he have a full-time pediatric heart surgery practice in a major teaching hospital in India, but he also is one of the most respected information marketers on the web.
To build buzz for the launch, Dr.Mani is doing something giving away 1,000 copies of “47 Hearts” – for just $2.99 each! At that price, he’ll raise nearly $3,000. In India, under Dr. Mani’s scrutiny, that will fund lifesaving surgery on at least two children who would have died without it.
If you recall, the print version of this book sold for $24.95 – so this is a great deal.
I have a copy and have read it. In fact, I’m thinking about wallpapering my office with it. Each page is a self-contained nugget of gold, ever reminding us what a single person – that would be you and me – with a dream can do. It’s inspiration at its best.
If you buy your copy on launch day (February 14th, 2011), Dr.Mani will give you gifts worth $150.00 – just for ordering one Kindle edition of “47 Hearts”. Submit a ticket to my support desk confirming that you purchased Dr. Mani’s book and I’ll give you a copy of one of my most treasure short books too – Bad Dad: 10 Keys to Regaining Trust. I sell that for $19.97.
This is hard to resist.
All Dr. Mani’s asking in return is that you read the ebook -and then tell one friend (or ten) about this deal, and invite them to order a copy on February 14th.
- You can post it to your blog.
- You can tweet it on Twitter.
- You can publish it on your website.
Or you may just forward this post to a friend.
If that sounds like a fair deal (and after reading the book, I promise you it is!), then hurry to this site and claim your copy of the ebook.
Only the first 1,000 will get in at this rock-bottom price of $2.99 – after that you’ll have to pay more!
Don’t wait and lose out. Rush over to Amazon.com and place your order. Or use this link.
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