Are You Succeeding in the 5 Most Important Areas of Your Life?
By Marnie L Marcus
I'm going through David Perdew's Camp Clarity program and thought it would be fun to video blog my way through it. Those who follow me know that for the last 3 years I've been re-inventing myself. I've gone through a business reset, the end of a 28-year-marriage, re-entered the dating world, went from 6 kids at home to 2, remarried and became a grandmother (0 to 4 grandchildren in the last year).
It all started for me back in August 2011, when I realized I couldn't keep going the way I was going. I was burnt out on my business, overweight, out of shape, and unhappy in my marriage. On the way home from a family beach vacation, I caught the vision of what I wanted my life to be like in two years' time -- how I wanted to feel, the vitality I wanted to experience, and the type of relationship I wanted to share.
The first thing I realized was that I didn't have the energy or stamina for the life I envisioned, so I came home, started taking vitamins and walking. Within a month or so I was working out regularly at the gym. My health and energy steadily improved and I dropped 50 lbs. I dug into my spiritual practices and became consistent with them. The more energetic, alive and grounded I became, the more I realized the relationship I was in was never going to work.
When Google changes wiped out my six-figure business literally overnight back in October 2012, I decided it was time to follow my heart in my business as well. Unfortunately, the transition didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. I floundered because I didn't have a clear vision for my business.
When my relationship issues came to a head, I asked for a divorce in April 2013, and was divorced by August 2013 (two years from that drive home from the beach). I was feeling great, feeling free, spiritually connected and strong. I was rebuilding my business, but it still had wobbly legs. I still didn't know what I wanted to do with it. As a result cash flow was a roller coaster ride.
Notice the 5 areas of my life that went through an over-hall: Business, Health, Relationships, Well-Being and Money. I didn't have anyone guiding me through this process -- no human anyway. Just feeling my way via my connection with God.
As I re-entered the dating world and was slammed with one business and monetary setback after another, my well-being (aka connection with God) began to waver. I made some stupid mistakes as a result. At one point, I honestly questioned my faith. I was ready to throw it all out the window. That questioning didn't last long, but it did happen.
I entered a series of relationships with men who couldn't see my value and didn't treat me well. After a heart-wrenching breakup, I finally tossed up my hands and told God, "You pick! I obviously don't know what's good for me." A couple relationships later, I met a man, completely different from the others who fit my list AND had lots of other qualities I never thought to look or ask for -- kindness, heroism, friendliness, resourcefulness -- a man who actually valued me at a level no other man ever had.
After a short engagement, we were married and we've been rebuilding our life in a new home. Our relationship is fantastic.
In the meantime I've dealt with some health issues and have added a few newlywed pounds I'd like to shed. My business is doing better, but it still needs to be scalable. Money's flowing a bit better, but it still needs improvement. My spirituality (aka well-being) is constantly improving.
Notice how all 5 areas aren't really firing at once? This is what attracted me to David's Camp Clarity program. I have been fumbling my way through life, with a vision, but not a clear vision in all 5 areas. Because my compelling vision focused on health and relationships, those areas transformed. But because I didn't have a vision that covered all five areas, the vision-less areas suffered.
I needed a guide. And now I have one. I'm excited about going through David Perdew's Camp Clarity program and sharing with you my thoughts as I do so. I hope you find them helpful.
Okay, here's my first Vlog…
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Beautiful Marnie! Glad the Clarity program is working for you. It’s been the most important thing I’ve ever done for my Business and my Life.
Thanks, David! I’m looking forward to continuing with the process and getting clearer and more focused so I can achieve “everything I want.”
Great Video Marnie! Gives me an idea of my own blog, thank you.
Cool, Margherita! Happy to inspire.
Great video…. …Lot’s of value….