Did you know that Utility Poster stops writer’s block – or I guess, more appropriately, blogger’s block dead in it’s tracks?
Do you occasionally stare at that blank screen wondering what to feed the content monster today? It just sits there staring at you demanding to be fed, but you have nothing profound to say.
What if you could just provide a very fast roundup of keyword-targeted news that helped you delivered lots of content to your readers in a very short time?
And what if that news roundup helped you rank for hundreds of keywords and get you a ton of trackbacks?
Jack Humphrey, one of the foremost experts in blogging and blog marketing for high search rankings, has released a new app he uses to rank for over 6400 keywords in Google!
(That’s not a typo! He ranks for more keywords than that, but he gets targeted traffic from just over 6400 keywords a month!)utility-poster-eliminates-bloggers-block

The reason he created the application was to give you a way to keep your blog active with high-quality, search friendly content and to get you trackback links.
Thank God he did because it’s one of my favorite tools for creating weekly round ups on some of my blogs. And it’s so simple, even I can do it in about 5 minutes. I know. I’ve been using it for a few months to check it out.
Those links help you get higher rankings for your blog posts by simply using a nearly-automated tool to create posts.
Its called “Utility Poster” and it is simply incredible software.
If you visit there now, fine, but be sure to read all of this to learn how to get an additional $20 discount.
- It works on PC and MAC – or anything else you can throw at it because it’s an Adobe AIR application
- It combines Utility Poster and his other two very popular programs: Video Utility Poster and Trackboost
So, here’s the key
You choose the topic by inputting your favorite keyword, choose the type of content by choosing the search category, and click Search. Voila – you’ve got a ton of possibilities for your news roundup.
Post relevant, keyword-rich, high-quality content in the form of snippets from other blogs, videos from YouTube, Twitter tweets, and Flickr images – all based on whatever keyword you search with.
You choose from the best conversations going on around the web in your target market and efficiently hand-pick what you include in your posts.
The results:
- You own an active, engaging, relevant, and search friendly blog as if you were writing 100% original content.
- You build links back to your site through trackbacks.
- You build content readers WANT to experience rather than bland, spammy SEO articles that only satisfy the search engines but build no loyal following among readers.
Big tip on how to use Utility Poster for joint venture listbuilding
One of the favorite list building leverage techniques covered in our affiliate training here is to create “Top Lists” of category items such as “Top 20 SEO Techniques“.
But how do you find those techniques? And how do you find people to participate in the promotion?
Do a blog search using Utility Poster, put together the piece by dragging the 20 blog post snippets with links into your new post window (just as Jack shows in the demo video), contact the 20 bloggers and encourage them to promote the roundup article naming THEM as a top 20 technique.
Who wouldn’t want to promote your blog post if they were recognized as an expert in the post? And you’ve just put this together in about 10 minutes…choosing only the most targeted and effective posts to reference.
Other bloggers will willingly and happily link to you as if you wrote the whole thing from scratch.
And you can do in minutes what would normally take you hours to do for such quality posts!
The best way to experience the power of Utility Poster 3.0 is to watch Jack’s complete walk-through video here.
Utility Poster is going to take your blog to new heights in the search engines while cutting your blogging time to a fraction of what you spend now.
Never be afraid of the blank screen again. Now, you can post great content whether it’s video or blog posts or pictures with Utility Poster.
A secondary benefit of using this tool is one that Jack never addresses: Research!
This little tool allows you to quickly research a topic to gather some of the best info on the web already. You can use that information (and some images from Flickr) to create your own original material.
Don’t overlook this – because nothing triggers original writing like reading through and rewriting other people’s material and adding your own twist.
Utility Poster dominates in this department.
So, what’s wrong with Utility Poster:
If Jack Humphrey was sitting in front of me and ask me what I didn’t like about the program, I’d mention two things:
- The sort order of the blog posts can be a little random sometimes, especially in the date field. While I want my posts to be the latest, I’d like to be able to choose whether they should be in chronological order or relevance order as it already is with the Youtube search options.
- I’d like to see a Google search or even a Google News search option in addition to the Google Blog Search.
But that’s it.
Now, to purchase this cool tool, Jack has it priced it to sell at $67 on the sales page, but here’s a tip:
Leave the page, and you’ll get a second chance to buy it at just $47.
It will be one of the best $47 you’ll ever spend. (Don’t tell him I told you about this tip. I paid full-freight for Utility Poster!)
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