Have you heard about the MyNAMS Insider Club monthly challenges?
If not, you’re missing some exciting stuff.
It started with a simple coffee mug.
At the end of July, I said that anyone who produced daily content that moved their business forward every day in August would earn the August Content Challenge Mug free.
By the end of the month, a hashtag developed in the MyNAMS Insiders Private Facebook Group - #SendThatMug. And the reviews were overwhelming. Here's a couple:
"I have definitely improved my work habit"
Barb Brown said:
“I did a lot of affiliate promotions this month-very new to me and I was forced to look for programs to promote in my field… I also posted more consistently on my blog than ever before and I have definitely improved my work habit in this area. I worked everyday even if I wasn't feeling 100% or was on vacation (camping now). I made it work and that's how the business needs to be. We now look for camping and other trips where we can take our work with us…It's important to touch the business everyday otherwise I feel like I lose momentum. Got it going now! Thanks so much for the challenge-and I'll take that mug now.”
"I did so much more"
Sharon French McMillan said:
“Thanks so much for hosting this August challenge David! I did so much more than I would ever have done both with respect to creating content and promoting it.”
"This challenge has done wonders for me"
Ute Golkuhle said:
"This challenge has done wonders for me. Most of all to 'let go' I truly had to confront my 'control freakishness' to create that content under time constraints and accept the imperfections, at times sub-par 'creations.'
More than ever, my head kept buzzing 'act now, revise later...' "
The August Challenge went so well that we’ve decided to do 12 monthly challenges.
And I’m putting some skin in the game…
If you complete all 12 month challenges IN A ROW, you'll get lifetime Insider access. I've never offered this and won't in any other form. But if you do all 12 month challenges, you can earn Lifetime MyNAMS Insider Club Membership.
That’s the highest level membership we have at MyNAMS. It’s the granddaddy of them all and we’re making it simple and easy to get it for life.
- First, become an Insider if you’re not… Join us at http://NAMS.ws/mnic
If you're already a member, join the MyNAMS Insiders Private Facebook Group - you should have received an invite as part of your welcome to the group
- Second, complete all 12 monthly challenges sequentially. You can start at anytime and complete the next 12 consecutive challenges and you’ll earn your Lifetime MyNAMS Insider Club Membership.
Seriously, that’s it.
This is all about consistency
That’s the key to success in building a business.
It's a reward for being active in the Insiders group and pushing forward in your business and building consistent efforts...
The second reward obviously is that you're going to have one awesome business after a year of consistent effort.
Monthly Challenges:
1) August Content Creation
2) September Product Creation
3) October Kindle eBook Creation
4) November Traffic Generation
5) December Social Media Marketing
6) January eMail Marketing
7) February Affiliate Marketing
8) March Passive Income Opportunities
9) April Video Marketing
10) May Expert Interview Series
11) June Podcasting
12) July Productivity
In September, we're creating product...
You can do this multiple ways. Product creation is NOT marketing the product. This month, we're making things that you can sell in your online business.
At the end of the month, you should have at least one product. You may have one a day or even more, depending on what your products are.
Whatever you do, choose your product, announce it in the Facebook group and tell us how you'll do something each day to create it.
For example:
Zelda (I know we don't have anyone here named Zelda - yet) is not sure what book she wants to write, but she is very passionate about parenting. She's written many articles and would like to organize those into small reports. She's set a goal of creating 4 small reports. One for each week. And she outlined her steps here:
Daily Tasks:
- Day 1) Determine the report and create the outline
- Day 2) Edit the existing articles
- Day 3) Write two more articles that fill the holes in the report
- Day 4) Do more research to get good charts, graphs and stats
- Day 5) Find illustrations for the report topic
- Day 6) Create a cover for the report
- Day 7) Put the report together
Rinse and repeat 4 times for four reports.
Daily activity is the key. These challenges are all about consistency.
A year seems like a long time until you look backwards. Then, you realize how fast it disappears.
How would you like to look back over the past year and see 365 days of consistent business-building, income-producing, habit-forming productivity that helps you build your business to new levels in record time?
Get in on the MyNAMS monthly challenges now...
Join the MyNAMS Insiders Club and get in now if you're not already.
Why the MyNAMS Insiders Club is EXACTLY
what you're looking for!

MyNAMS TEAM - You never have to work in isolation again!
The MyNAMS Team goes way beyond the staff and support personnel. We've put together a group of people who make it their mission to ensure your success. With more than 75 instructors and 100s of members, you find people who can answer your questions quickly, partner with you to create products, and build relationships that help you launch your business or take it to the next level.
We've worked diligently to ensure you have the ability to communicate with us, instructors, and peers (at your own experience level) in a safe environment and find the right mentors or coaches just for you. We make the introductions that you want.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific team options we offer.

MyNAMS Training - Learn what you need when you need to learn it!
The MyNAMS Training system is focused on thorough step-by-step instruction with that meets you where you are. It makes no sense to teach you advanced strategies and techniques when you don't have a blog or website. And teaching you how to install a blog when you have dozens already is ridiculous. First, we determine where you are in your experience and then we point you to the right level of training that will enhance your business experience from Novice to Advanced.
Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific training options we offer.

MyNAMS Tools - Content, graphics, audio, checklists - we've got it for you!
The MyNAMS Tool belt comes with just about everything you need to get a business up and running. In fact, you can be selling products from the Niche Mall even if you've never sold anything before and don't have a website. One of the most frustrating parts about doing business online is realizing you have to nickel and dime yourself to bankrupcy before you can actually get a site up. Not with us.
We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
To find out more about the MyNAMS Insiders Club, click the link below!
If you’re an Insider already, what did you think of the August Challenge?
I missed out on the August challenge and am really intrigued about the 12-month challenge. I would to be really clear.
1. I begin with the Content Creation challenge, even though it is Spt, right?
2. It’s already Spt 3. Do I need to wait until the beginning of October to begin or can I do this 30 days in succession?
By completing this 12-month challenge my business should be in high gear.
Thanks, David.
Hey Cathy,
Glad you think this has something for you…I think it’s an awesome opportunity for people to create an incredible business with consistent activity.
So, to answer your questions.
1) You start with the current month. So, this month is Productivity Challenge.
2) It is a little late, but because we’re just opening this up to folks, you can get a little slack on the first few days.
Creating a product will be daily activity this month that will lead to a new product (or products)…
The right vision, the right model, the right program, the right instructors, the right support – that’s what the insider’s group is all about. Here is, I suddenly realized, the backbone of building, managing, and growing an internet marketing system. NAMS has the tools to learn and build. But the insider’s program has evolved into a workshop where you actually apply, manage or experiment what you learn in NAMS in a safe, contained but very supportive and responsive environment. It’s like a training lab – remember those in school attached to a language or science course?
Why do I see it this way?
One day Angie Newton suggested a 30-day content challenge; many of us responded and David took it to another level and added a reward for completion: a special NAMS Mug! Oh, that Mug became a significant symbol for many of us and the right carrot to race after. The process took a life of its own.
I learned to write under pressure and got 16 posts and one article published, got an auto-responder series of 8 entries published, created and published two little promotion videos with my grandchildren, and finally ventured out into the Soc. Media world. That was a stretch for me.
To get that Mug:
1) I HAD to push that publish button and overcome this crazy fear that prevented me from doing so for too long.
2) I HAD to learn to work faster, set a time limit, and complete. That included a hard lesson: I had to make up for lost time of an unplanned 10-day trip to Germany to be with my family to say the final good-bye to my brother-in-law. It taught me to develop a back-up plan in the future when my business starts to take off.
3) I HAD to get the auto-responder live, even though I don’t feel I have a handle on it yet.
4) I HAD to close my eyes to any temptation of another shiny object to explore, to get, to learn. . . the power of the Mug was too strong! LOL!
It all sounds so crazy simple but it was not to make that first jump. Perfect? OMG, Bob Jenkins was constantly buzzing in my head: Act Now, Revise Later. This was such a hard concept to overcome.
In all, that Mug reflects so much more than I can possibly express here. It means drinking a cleansing juice that worked: no more shiny object lure, no more stubborn fear, no more serious distractions from a daily plan and doubt. But it means doing it and having fun with the process.
I am sharing this in the hope to encourage others to make that ‘action jump!’ The insider’s group will keep you safe, support you, and watch over you!
I would be happy to talk with anyone who needs an extra encouragement, a private hand-holding, . .