Marketing Mayhem Wrap-up
I went to Marketing Mayhem last weekend in Orlando. It was a great networking event. NAMS is a better educational / training event. But there’s definitely room and a need for both types of events.
Networking is a necessity in marketing.
Unfortunately, it wears me out. I’m not a natural networker, but I love meeting people. So, I’m learning to stick my hand out and introduce myself. I did that all weekend.
Here are some of the highlights for me:
Captain Lou and the Marketers' Cruise
I met Capt. Lou Edwards for the first time last weekend. Of course, I’ve been following him for awhile because he’s built this incredible 7-figure business around having fun while cruising.
The Marketers Cruise sets sail each January and this is the first time I’ve taken advantage of it.
It’s almost sold out now. I’d love to see a bunch of NAMSters on this one. (And I need a roommate )
Chip Cooper and DigiContracts...
I love this guy.
He’s my age. Shows up for work in flip-flops, shorts and a T-Shirt. And he’s created a heck of a product that helps websites like ours stay completely in compliance with FTC with all the legal disclaimers, contracts and legalese that we need on our sites.
And he’s a NAMS instructor.
Kelly McCausey Actually LIKED the Indian Food
The big joke between Kelly, Nicole Dean and Tracy Roberts was that they kept trying foods like Thai and Sushi and Kelly kept being thankful (in only the positive way that Kelly can) for discovering foods she didn’t like.
Then we did Indian.
And she actually liked it. That was a nice little victory for all.
BTW, Kelly was releasing her latest project – Rapid Report Club – while she was attending Marketing Mayhem too. She’s a productivity and marketing machine.
Nicole kept telling me what a powerful marketing dynamo she is. I’m a believer!
Check out her Rapid Report Club package here.
And Then There Was Dennis Becker’s Writing Life Histories Book
While we were in Orlando, Dennis Becker was busy cranking out a new book.
That’s just like him.
Turn your back for a minute and he’s got a new product. This one was about Writing Life Histories for pleasure and profit.
I was fascinated by this because I’ve kind of become the historian in my family. I’ve captured all the oral history from my dad and his brothers. I’ve take photographs of the family cemetery plots and scanned all the historical family photos.
Now, I’m interviewing my 90-year old mother-in-law.
But I didn’t think about doing this for money until I saw Dennis’s book.
What a brilliant idea!
The special $9.95 price is only good until Friday at 9 am I'm told. So, don't hesitate. Get it now.
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