Guess Who’s Coming to the NAMS11 Workshop?
Frankly, I'm even really surprised by - and thankful for - the incredible line-up that we have already for the February workshop.
We've put together an amazing dream team this time. Get ready to be rocked! The list below is just our 6 keynote speakers:
Alex Mandossian - Since 1991, Alex Mandossian has generated over $300 million in sales and profits for his clients and partners via "electronic marketing" media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.Alex's client list is a Who's Who of successful marketers and companies including:Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, Harv Eker, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay, Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp., Sam’s Club and many others.And in my conversation with him via Google Hangout, he confessed that he ticks off a lot of his marketing colleagues by giving too much "how-to education" during his speaking presentations. Sounds like a natural-born NAMSter.
Joel Comm - Joel is the New York Times best-selling author of The AdSense Code, Click Here to Order: Stories from the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs, KaChing: How to Run an Online Business that Pays and Pays and Twitter Power 2.0. He has appeared in The New York Times, on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, on CNN online, on Fox News, and many other places.
With over eighteen years of Internet business experience, Joel has conquered many niches while mastering the latest techniques.Corporations, small-to-medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs trust him for sound, practical advice and creative thinking. He has consulted with, trained or developed strategic partnerships with Microsoft, IBM and Twitter, among many others. Whether you are seeking general direction or you require in-depth marketing strategy, Joel brings his varied experiences to you and is available for consulting by the hour or by the day.Jason Fladlien - Jason and his partner Wilson Mattos at Rapid Crush, Inc. have taken the web by storm by focusing on products that serve a need and staying focused on a simple one-problem-one-solution approach to product creation.
The payoff has been huge, more than $3 million in sales and a huge company that delivers excellent services and products to a rabid fanbase.A self-described contrarian, don't expect Jason ever to conform to your expectations. It won't happen. But his genius is always being a few steps ahead.Ray Edwards - His reputation as one of the nicest, most thoughtful and precise speakers on any stage precedes him wherever Ray goes. That alone is reason to listen to Ray, but another is that he is also one of the most celebrated copywriters on the planet.
Best known as a Direct Response Copywriter, Product Launch Manager, Internet Marketing Strategist and conference speaker, campaigns he's written and/or directed have resulted in an estimated $100 million in sales.He's worked with clients such as New York Times Best-selling authors Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (creators of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Joel Comm (author of Twitter Power and The Adsense Code), Raymond Aaron (author of Double Your Income Doing What You Love) as well as Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Jeff Walker, and many others.Kathleen Gage - Always a delight, Kathleen has been on our stage many times. And every time she appears, she leaves the audience with a clear directive to focus on their motives and core values.A powerful speaker with an amazing story, she is an internationally recognized speaker and coach brings a unique and creative approach to helping others understand the power of beliefs, thoughts and actions that promote the marketing mindset and create a successful life. She works with consciously focused speakers, authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn their knowledge into money-making products and services.
Ken McArthur - Owner, heart and soul of jvAlert, grandaddy of live events, and the organization that put joint venture marketing on the map, Ken helps people create Internet marketing joint ventures with top-level marketers.Ken's accolades and successes are many, but the thing closest to his heart is his passion for Impact! Living a life of impact, inspiring others to have an impact, and understanding the siginificance one person can make if they focus on impacting others in positive, but small ways.His newest book brings it home – The Impact Factor: How Small Actions Change the World
Wow! That’s an awesome lineup!
If you're new to the online business world, you may not know these speakers. If you've been in the online business world for more than 10 minutes, you're thinking, "OH, MY GOD! How do I make sure I get to NAMS11?"
I'll show you in a second, but first, please remember that there are about 30 more amazing instructors who will be teaching...
I'll announce those on Monday - they've confirmed too, but I just don't want to overwhelm you today...
But watch this space closely because next week, we'll begin dazzling you with the additional instructors who are teaching all weekend at NAMS11.
Right now - and until September 1, 2013, you can get into the next workshop for the really stupid low price of $147. At midnight on Sep. 1, the price jumps substantially.
Here's a hint: With this line-up, the NAMS11 workshop is going to sell out quickly. And when it's sold out, we'll drive people to a waiting list, but we're not there yet...Jump in now before it's too late.
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Ok, I don’t get starstruck easily, but take a look at that group of instructors. I’m pretty excited. How about you? Are you coming to NAMS11?
And if so, what would like to ask one of these instructors?
Just finished yesterday going through all my notes from NAMS10, pulling out the “to-dos” and remembering how great it all was. Now with your announcement, I’m following my own advice (I wrote a piece years ago called “Convention(al) Wisdom”) and putting together the list of people I want to be sure to meet in February. Thanks for the prompt!
That’s a great idea Virginia. Glad you’re making plans:)
Holy Cats, David! I better go and get my flight booked. And…with such a stellar lineup of instructors the hotel will be sold out also. Can we go ahead and book our hotel rooms now?
Yep – you gotta be there.