The Best Kept Secret of ALL Successful Online Business People
Do you want to know why some people seem to be so successful online? And you’re not?
The idea of not being successful (that’s a nice way of saying “failing”) is really a hard pill to swallow, but we deal in the reality business here at
And if you’re struggling to find your way, even if it’s from one level of success to the next, then you MUST pay attention because…
Success is easy…if you know the secret.
You’ll hear a lot of successful people repeat that same claim too.
Less successful folks roll their eyes or discount it completely because it seems:
- Too simple
- Not tactical enough
- Too scary
- To require higher self-esteem and confidence than we have on hand

A few years ago, I went to my mentor and coach at the time, Alex Mandossian, and complained about how I was working so hard for the $27 sales.
He smiled and said, “That’s where your self-esteem has put you.”
Huh? What the heck. I want to raise my prices. Why is he hitting me about self-esteem? This is not therapy!
He went on to say, “Pricing is a self-esteem issue. That’s all. How much do you think your time and energy is worth? Obviously, you think it’s worth $27.”
Double Ouch!
He was right.
I had to take a hard look at myself and my business.
What did I want? Why was I doing this? I ask myself three questions:
- Was I building a job?
- Was I building a business?
- Was I building a life?
If the answer wasn’t “LIFE” (and with a lot of enthusiasm), I had to re-evaluate.
Alex was EXACTLY the right mentor for me at the time. No one has more enthusiasm for LIFE than he. So, I followed his advice and addressed the elephant in the room:
Why was I doing what I was doing?
He understood right away that Charlsa (my lovely wife) was my biggest reason why.

We fell for each other and married in mid-life after messing up a couple of other relationships.
So Alex forced me to do something I’d never done prior to working with him.
She was involved in every coaching call, every strategic business decision, every workshop we put on, and every issue that impacted us in a large way.
When Alex, Charlsa and I met to make strategic decisions about what needed to be done for the business, he always looked to her and said, “What do you think?”
Alex taught me how to start living that Big Why of mine right there and then.
If Charlsa, and spending more time with her, having more fun traveling with her, and involving her more in my daily life to build an even better and more fulfilling relationship, was my Biggest Why, then… Why wait!
Start now.
Not when the business was huge.
Not when I had a manager.
Not in only certain parts of my life.
Not when I had more time.
Not when I could squeeze her in.
Start now.
Live your WHY.
Alex, like a great coach, never said these words. He just demonstrated it. He made me dig for the answer.
He knows I’m a good student who watches every move adapting what works for me and what doesn’t.
When you know WHY you do what you do, you finally know how to measure real success.
No longer do you compare yourselves to the people who are ultra-successful in our eyes and say…
- “If I had a gazillion like Super Guru, then I’d be successful.”
- “If I drove a Ferrari like Young Hotshot, then I’d be successful.”
- “If I lived on 95 acres in the middle of the woods with a lake in my own log cabin like David, then I’d be successful.”
Get rid of the if-onlys because it does absolutely nothing to improve your day. In fact, they often reinforce that self-esteem issue we talked about in the beginning.
My measure of success is simple now:
How much time did I spend with Charlsa today? Did we have fun? Or are we stressed?

If we don’t spend enough time together, then we have to fix that.
If we’re stressed, we have to figure out why and remedy it. Usually it comes down to being more grateful for what we have.
Sure, you say. That’s sounds great for you. You have a big business with lots of experience.
Every week, just like anyone else in business, I have payroll, rent, infrastructure costs, customer service issues, partnerships that are working really well, and those that are not working at all.
I have to hire people. And I have to fire people.
And cash flow can be an issue if it’s not managed carefully.
We do a ton of training. We create products. We have a support staff. And we work with lots of partners.
But the most successful online business people live from their Big WHY!
If you don’t do that, you’re lost.
And of course, the question is:
How do you find your Big WHY?
That’s the foundation for everything. And it’s absolutely the right question.
In an Insiders Club only training session, we’re digging into this question in ways you never imagined.
This is so important that we advise clients to do nothing else until this question is answered definitively.
Once you know the answer, the rest becomes mere execution.
Start with this question and come prepared to dig in.
If you’re not an Insider already, your cost of admission is $1 for a 14-day trial to the Insiders Club. Your cost of inaction (as Alex likes to put it) is lost time, frustrating mis-steps, and money spent on stuff that leads you down the wrong path.
Don’t make that mistake. Join us in this online training session. One dollar can change your life.
You can cancel immediately if it’s not for you, but this is the kind of training that we share only with Insiders.
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