Are you a writer, editor or publisher?
The answer may surprise you. I was...
I'm a writer...At least I thought I was.
When I was in high school, algebra, physics and chemistry weren't really my thing. Not that I couldn't excel at those courses, but they just didn't excite me.
When my English teacher gave us composition assignments though, I was really excited. Naturally, I went to journalism school.
Writers write. Editors edit. Publishers publish.
Editing, I found out, was much more efficient than writing!
That's why newspaper reporters beat a path to the news morgue (where all the previous newspaper articles go to live another day...) If a reporter could find an article that dealt with the specific topic, they could begin with that, edit it, add to it and create a completely new and original piece for readers.
In my post-newspaper career, my journalism skills have fed me well. Since I've become an online publisher (and that's what bloggers are by the way!), PLR or private label rights content is a key source of content.
Sometimes, PLR is so good that you put your name on it and run with it as is. You can do that with private label rights material. That's part of the deal and why it's so compelling to online publishers.
Sometimes, just as in my old newspaper days, you can edit quality pre-written material and quickly make it your own original copy. There even used to be a guy in all the newsrooms that specialized in rewriting copy.
His job title was "REWRITE".
Rewriting is so much easier and quicker than staring at a blank screen until the sweat pours from your forehead.
But there are very few people who create quality PLR for online content sites. And if you're building a great site, I hope you create and use great content. I go to three places for great PLR content. Nicole Dean drives two of them.
This weekend, you can get 50% off of everything in her already ridiculously priced high quality PLR content if you use this special coupon code in the shopping cart:
Go to Nicole Dean's EasyPLR and don't forget the coupon.
This is a Godsend for busy bloggers. Go ahead over there now. It will open in a new window. Then come back because we'll talk about a resource we're making available to you to learn how to use PLR more appropriately.
Then, when you're done shopping around for articles and reports in your niche, go the members blog in MyNAMS and read along as the 10-part series on Using PLR Content unfolds.
We'll help you put that PLR to use quickly.
BTW: If you're reading this past the sale deadline, you might be fooled. The price at EasyPLR is so low that you'll think it's already discounted. The key is to get in there and get your content before it disappears. She limits the number of PLR sets available because she controls the value.
Don't forget: LIFEISGOOD
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Yes! We teach marketing, traffic generation, technology, keyword research and much more, but only when you're ready. And if you need help just getting the technical aspects of doing business online, we have more than 1300 tutorial videos in the Library.
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We provide you graphics, article content, images, audio clips, reports, sales funnels, turnkey websites, and even adsense website portals so you can begin immediately to create or improve your business with confidence that you don't have to spend a ton more cash.
Look for the icon at the left in the benefits grid to see the specific tools options we offer.
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