Writing eBooks for Money and Expert Status Part 2

Writing eBooks for Money and Expert Status Part 1 covered the extra benefits of writing your eBook for money, identified your goal for writing the book, and addressed time management and deadlines.
Today we’ll look at some obstacles you may encounter and how to avoid them, choosing a publishing platform, and planning your launch.
Distractions, Procrastination, and Life, Oh My!
Life happens.
There will be situations where you cannot avoid, kids get sick, the car breaks down or a client ‘has an emergency’ that will creep into your writing time. You make adjustments by re-scheduling your writing time.
Now, procrastination is a whole different animal. You will look for anything to divert your attention to avoid writing. At these times, you have to acknowledge that your focus needs to stay on your writing.
You cannot plan for the unexpected events of life when they happen, but you can plan ahead for some of the areas you can control.
For example:
- Post your business hours on your website and let clients know that you will not be available for responding to phone calls or emails during those specific times.
- Schedule play dates during writing times to keep the kids and their distractions away from the house.
- Close your office door to prevent distractions.
- Let your family and friends know that you will be unavailable during specific scheduled times.
- Turn off your phone, email, and Skype during writing time.
- Turn off your internet access while writing, unless you need it to do research.
With procrastination, it is all you. You know what is likely to trigger it while having a plan in place to keep your motivation. Lose your motivation and you lose sight of completing your book.
Reward yourself for reaching milestones. Get an accountability partner to help you stay focused.
Recognize the signs of procrastination and determine how you will resist the urge.
Writing you eBook for money requires you to stay focused and not procrastinate. Is there money writing books? Yes, but you have to get it written. Don't self-sabotage yourself by allowing procrastination hold you up.
Choose a Publishing Platform
There are two categories of publishing: self-publishing or traditional publishing.
Traditional publishing typically involves hiring an agent to sell your book to a publishing house. The publisher requests edits, your cover, format and print, and distributes your book. In return, you get royalties.
Traditional publishing can be a tough path to take. It is extremely competitive, but it is considered the best way to get your book published in print.
Digital and on-demand publishing have given authors an economical way to get their books published. You have many options to select from without it costing you a small fortune to self-publish.
Recall the first question: What’s your book writing goal? Unless your response is to be on the New York Times bestseller list, self-publishing may be the best choice for you.
Self-publishing will quickly get your book out there.
Find out how to get started writing ebooks for money!
Writing ebooks for Money Options with Self-publishing Include:
- Digital delivery, print, or both?
- Kindle, Smashwords, Nook, or others?
- Create Space, Lulu, Blurb?
First-time authors with text-based content may consider Kindle or Create Space (Amazon’s print on demand) is typically the best choice.
If your book is image-based, such as photography, check out Blurb.
What platform is your competition using?
Kindle publishing has strict formatting guidelines. Pay attention to the special formatting.
By the way, your book will be judged by its cover. It needs to catch the reader’s attention. Your brand colors, fonts, and images are important. Make sure that it is easy to read on a small screen.
Speaking of covers, you can drill down on your message by writing the back cover blurb. With limited space, you can combine the sales copy to include only the necessary information.
Read the back covers of books in your niche, you gain incredible insight into what authors are writing about with their slant of the topic, what the market finds appealing, and where ‘holes’ are in the available content.
Your back cover blurb should include who your book is for, why it’s needed right now, and what there is to learn. It needs to be less than four to five paragraphs. Take your time with this.
Writing You eBook for Money Launch Planning
Best Way to Promote Your Book
There are many options for promoting your eBook. Take some time to research your competition to see what their eBook promotions look like. Be inspired by what they do, then apply it to your promotion plan.
Free ways to promote your book:
As you can see from the list above, you have many free ways to promote your book. You can also explore paid options for your promotion.
Writing You eBook for Money Launch Planning
Your book launch has 3 phases.
- Pre-Release - let everyone know about your upcoming book and get the buzz going.
- Release -Increase the buzz, garner interviews, and be seen everywhere.
- Post-Release - continue to make sales, email your list, engage with your audience on social media.
Many people talk about writing a book and never get around to doing it. Congratulations if you have written a book! Hopefully, these blog posts have re-inspired you to write your book if you haven't written it yet.
In conclusion, now more than ever it is easier to get your book published. But, you have to write it. Writing eBooks for money provides an opportunity for you to be seen as an expert in your niche.
There are many options available for publishing your book and it's important that you do a little research upfront to find the right way to publish and market your book for you and your audience. Need help?
The MyNAMS Insider's Club is doing a 30 Day Challenge called Publishing for the Smart Marketer.
Now is the right time to join us for only $1 and experience what it's like to be part of a like-minded community with a focus on ONE thing - publishing your content.
You've got a book inside you ready to come out, so get started now!
Share your publishing experiences below. If you know someone that is interested in publishing, share this with them.
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Founded by David Perdew over 15 years ago, he recently retired and his daughter, Jen Perdew, who has been working at NAMS since 2011 purchased the business.
Jen is now the President and CEO of NAMS and comes from a customer service, operations, and employee training background.
Jen has always loved digging in and getting her hands dirty with automation and coaching. Jen's an implementer and focuses on moving her clients as quickly as possible down the path to success. and has since taken over most of the technical training in the business. NAMS is one of the most successful online communities today, specializing in training and proprietary productivity software tools.
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