This is not bad…402 new followers on Twitter in 24 hours.
Well, yesterday I threw down a challenge to my readers that I was going to try to get 10,000 new followers on Twitter by midnight on April 18th. And the challenge – really a contest – was that the person who got the most new followers during that time would get a new Vado video camera as the reward for their efforts.
The rules:
1) use the techniques in Brute Force Twitter
2) verify your number of increased followers
My friend John David Bradshaw wrote yesterday that he’d like to participate even though he’d already purchased the program elsewhere and even though he knew he couldn’t win.
I started with 351 followers @ 4:30 pm April 1 (what a fool, huh?) and now have 2,130 followers as of 2:30 pm April 8 using the system. That’s a gain of 1779, average 254 new followers/day.
Not bad.
Here’s how I’m doing:
This is the Twitter control panel below as of April 8 at 8 a.m.
And this is the control panel this morning at 8 a.m.
I did 3 fifteen -minute sessions of recruiting new – targeted – Twitter followers yesterday using the Brute Force Twitter product and this morning I have 402 confirmed (actually more, they just keep coming in…)
Like I said, not bad…
If you’re in on the contest, let me know today? And if not, don’t pass up this opportunity to build a great Twitter list.
Just to let you know all your links above for Brute Force Twitter don’t seem to go anywhere.
Is it necessary to already have some niches you are interested in before you can get results with this Twitter technique? Can you build un-targeted followers with this?
Kenneth –
We had a momentary glitch in the domain (mine, not theirs), so it’s all working fine now.
Greg –
Sure. Building untargeted lists is very easy. But I wouldn’t recommend it – unless you plan to drive them to multiple niche lists anyway… which is not a bad approach now that I’m thinking about it.
In fact, my big plan (as is almost everyeone’s) is to convert my Twitter list to my niche lists with offers of interest later.