Is Affiliate Marketing For You?
The Answer is Yes!
Affiliate marketing is a topic that a lot of people avoid. They may not think their niche fits the affiliate marketing mold. Or they may see it as being too complicated. This isn't true. Any niche can fit with affiliate marketing and it's a huge opportunity for you to maximize your ROI in a simple way.
Look at any company, no matter how big -- 1 person or a million people -- they all need to maximize their revenue points.
Companies like AT&T, Verizon, Walmart, DISH, DirectTV, Microsoft, Adobe, etc. all have affiliates who sign up to promote their products. Why? It's a free sales force that is only paid by performance. If an affiliate doesn't make sales, they don't get paid. Some people call affiliate marketing joint ventures, partnerships, or commissioned sales.
As for you as an affiliate, your main job is to drive traffic to the product or service. You might do this through your blog, web site or mailing list. But if you don't have those, you can use free online classifieds sites, social media platforms, or paid advertising like Facebook Ads,Google Adwords or Solo Ads.
Over 50% of our income comes from affiliate marketing. You don't need your own products because you're selling other people's products. It's a great way to get started if you don't have a web site or don't even have a list.
Listen, adding affiliate marketing to your business plan gives you freedom and opportunity. Our company can support our operating costs with our affiliate marketing income. Which also allows our team to work on creating quality products but also stay within our vision and goals for the business because we know our affiliate marketing efforts are covering our "nut".
Make sense?
One of our NAMS instructors, Connie Ragen Green, made her first $100,000 with only 651 people on her list. She's a super affiliate marketer who makes big bucks with a small list. And you can too.
Where Should You Start?
A great place to start is with Connie's definition of affiliate marketing: "The process of recommending what you love to your friends and business associates in return for monetary compensation."
Then look at the products and services that you love. Do some research. Can you promote the company and product as an affiliate?
Connie recommends only sharing things that you have participated in to some degree.
First, when you promote what you have personally used and loved, you bring a whole new energy to your marketing. People sense when you believe in something. There's an excitement in your voice -- whether it's when you speak or write emails or post on social media. You speak as someone on the inside and your excitement makes others want to be a part of what you're doing.
Think about the products and services you use. Which ones could you become an affiliate for?
Second, when you are very familiar with a product or service, you will be more creative in the way you market it. Affiliate marketing is like any other form of marketing. You achieve more success by bringing your own special sauce to it.
June is Affiliate Marketing Month in our MyNAMS Insiders Club.
If you're interested in getting started or just getting better at affiliate marketing, now's the time to jump in and just do it!
With our $1 - 14 day trial, it's kind of a no brainer, right?
Only recommending something you have used and are happy with the results from using it, makes so much sense.
In the past I have been “Noobie” guilty of finding something that sounds great, but have never used and using the vendors opinion and sales page to make a list of reasons why someone can’t live without it.
When I look around I can even see people more experienced than me…doing the same thing.
The difference is that many of them sell hundreds because they have “Branded” themselves and have a following, but not necessarily because they know the product and have used it.
So forewarned is forearmed:
Just once in awhile something comes out, then turns out it isn’t as great as it is cracked up to be.
So if you’ve staked your reputation by promoting it…what does that do for you?