Use Pinterest as a Marketing Tool: 9 Ways to Get More Traffic and Sales

Do you use Pinterest as a marketing tool? If not, you should. Entrepreneurs using social media have to balance the right mix of personal content along with professional content.
Social contact is based on relationships and enhanced by entertainment. Pinterest is a visual media platform. Therefore, visuals should be inspiring, thought-provoking, helpful, and fun.
For example, your traffic goal should be to increase social media traffic in order to get more sales, right? A Pinterest marketing campaign can certainly help you with that.
You can boost your visitor’s engagement with your pins and pinboards by using some of the ideas in this article. Then, find the best ones to use for your business.
Use Pinterest as a Marketing Tool: 9 Ways to Get More Traffic and Sales
1. Make Yourself Stand Out
In Seth Godin’s book, he teaches how to “Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable.” The theory is that if your house is red and all the other houses are white, yours will automatically stand out among the rest.
Therefore, apply that concept to your pin graphics. Simple images can stand out visually and grab your viewer’s attention.
2. Use Image Templates
3. Show It!
Trigger emotions with your image. Take your reader from ‘hearing/reading’ about the action to being IN the action. Use the image to make a statement without words.
When you use Pinterest as a marketing tool, you can unleash the emotions of your viewer.
For example, instead of describing a beautiful wedding with words, use an image that captures the emotion they will experience.
4. Increase Visibility Commenting on Popular Pins
Visit the Popular Pinterest pages and comment on pins relevant to your brand. You can get some fresh ideas to create pins for what’s trending in popular categories. However, never copy someone’s work. Instead, be inspired for how to utilize their concept in your brand.
5. Manage Your Comments
Follow these tips when you make comments:
- Keep your comments helpful and/or positive
- Don’t leave generic, meaningless comments
- Keep them to the point
- Comment on a specific point
6. Reply to Comments by Others
Pinterest is an interactive platform. There are so many tools available that will schedule your Pinterest Pins for you. For instance, Tailwind is a fantastic tool that allows you to not only schedule your pins but also lets you join Tribes which gives you much better and faster reach. And Tailwind helps you create and brand your pins! (I've got a $15 credit available for you on Tailwind - when you click the link, you'll automatically see it at the top of the page).
However, when you schedule social media posts, it requires moderating your posts to answer questions, respond to comments, and engage with your audience. This is VITAL!
When you build your Pinterest marketing campaign, make sure you include time to review your posts and respond to comments quickly.
Responding can mean the difference between someone commenting-and-forgetting or someone commenting-and-following. Therefore, encourage people to follow you.
7. Be a Pinterest Follower
Did you know that Pinterest has a Business Page? And, it shares the latest on a variety of popular topics.
So, take advantage of this opportunity to reach more people faster. Because of this, it is a top way to use Pinterest as a marketing tool.
8. Use Your Top Row to Get Traffic from Pinterest
Display a balanced gallery of your pinboards that best reflect your focus and brand message on the top row of your Pinterest Business Page. So, choose pinboards that are vibrant and engaging.
9. Pinterest Marketing Campaign: Research Your Pinterest Demographics
Use Pinterest Analytics to find out what your ideal and most responsive follower is so that you can create an Avatar.
For example, knowing your ideal audience allows you to customize your pins directly for them and their needs.
Use Pinterest as a Marketing Tool
In conclusion, we’ve shared ideas that can help you use Pinterest as a marketing tool to get more traffic, which can lead to more sales.
Pay attention to what influencers in your niche are doing with Pinterest and determine how you can fill a void or improve upon what is already out there. Create your Pinterest marketing campaign, then use your analytics to know what is getting your most engagement.
In the comments below, share some of your ideas for using Pinterest in your business.
What is working for you? Do you have a Pinterest Marketing Campaign?
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The Novice to Advanced Marketing System is a step-by-step system focusing on Team, Training and Tools to help novice to advanced business people build a Simple, Scalable and Sustainable business.
Founded by David Perdew over 15 years ago, he recently retired and his daughter, Jen Perdew, who has been working at NAMS since 2011 purchased the business.
Jen is now the President and CEO of NAMS and comes from a customer service, operations, and employee training background.
Jen has always loved digging in and getting her hands dirty with automation and coaching. Jen's an implementer and focuses on moving her clients as quickly as possible down the path to success. and has since taken over most of the technical training in the business. NAMS is one of the most successful online communities today, specializing in training and proprietary productivity software tools.